Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Ello everyone! Saving Allison has officially started!

Are you guys excited?!?!

Anywhore. Let's get this story started. I bet you guys are dying to read it already haha.

(Allison and her dad up top!)



I groaned as I rolled over to look at my alarm clock.

I wanted to crawl in a hole and die as it read 5:30 AM.

I slowly crawled out of bed and got dressed.

After getting dressed, I did my business in the bathroom and slowly made my way downstairs.

I have to be careful so I don't wake my dad up.

He's not much of a morning person...or an afternoon person...or a night person. In fact, he's not much of a person at all.

If you're asking why, I'll tell ya.

Ever since my mom died of brain cancer 3 years ago, my dad has been an absolute wreck.

He's resorted to drinking as his only escape. And also the fact that he beats the living hell out of me every chance he gets.

And if you're asking why I have to wake up at 5:30 every morning, is because I have to make him breakfast. He expects it made and ready on the table for him at 6:30 sharp.

If it's not ready, well let's just say it's not a pretty picture.

I finally made it to the kitchen and quietly opened the fridge.

After getting the eggs out and the oven started, I grab the toast and put it next to the toaster.

He makes me make the same thing every morning.

3 sunny-side up eggs, two pieces of toast with grape jam, and three pieces of bacon. Oh. Can't forget about the cold beer that he always wants.

That man drinks about 30 beers a day. I'm not kidding.

Because he only likes his beer ice cold, I take it out of the fridge as soon as I hear him take the first step on the stairs.

I have to be standing off to the side right when he steps foot in the kitchen. If I'm not, I either get a back hand to the face or a punch to the gut. The back hand is when he's in a good mood.

I sighed as I put the toast in the toaster and cracked the eggs in the pan.

Because the pan is so small, I have to do all the eggs separate.

As you can tell. We don't have a lot of money.

My dad and I just moved in here yesterday.

We live in a one story, little white house is a crappy neighborhood. Literally. There are so many crimes that happen in this neighborhood, I'm surprised the mayor doesn't shut this part of town down to the public.

I stopped looking around the kitchen when I heard the toaster go off.

I quickly got the jam out of the fridge and took the toast out of the toaster.

I looked back and made sure the bacon wasn't burnt.

My dad hates when his bacon is burnt. He likes it chewy, but not too chewy.

I placed the three eggs on the plate and the freshly jammed toast next to them.

I heard his bedroom door open.

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