Chapter 1

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I woke up this morning, just like any other day

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I woke up this morning, just like any other day. The alarm clock beeps for the fifth time, what? I was a heavy sleeper. I check my phone for any emails, and to my unsurprised horror, I had at least a million emails in my mailbox; hypothetically speaking. I check the time, it was quarter past 7, ugh, I was going to be late. Trying to sit up straight in my bed, I'm greeted with another problem for today. I groan and lay back down, my back hurt. Not just hurt, the pain was unbearable. Great, just what I need to start my day. See? This was why I d didn't like Monday's, yo user too busy with your awesome weekend to think that you're going to be going through miserable suffering the next day. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job. I'd always wanted to solve crimes, and now I was leading the biggest crime law firm boutiques. 

I get up from my bed, gritting my teeth at the pain I felt in my back. As I stood up, I used my bed-side table as support to stand up straight. My room was a mess, the table was down, and my door was open. Weird. I always make sure to close my bedroom door whilst I was asleep, but I was probably really tired last night to think about closing the door, right? I brush it off and go to my bathroom; which is also a big, fat mess. The water glass was down on the floor, smashed to pieces, my perfume and face wash was on the floor, too. A little panic arose me, surely no one broke into my house, did they? My security was tight, no one could go in our out of my apartment without me knowing. I take a few deep breaths, and brush it off.

Maybe an earthquake happened?

I eat some painkillers, which immediately helped to dull down the pain and shower. I was scrubbing my back, when a surface, partially rough and partially really soft, flesh touched my hand. It burned when I applied soap on that spot, but I quickly succumbed to the pain, what happened last night? That question lingered on my mind, over, and over again; it wasn't till till cold water started freezing body that I'd realized I zoned out, thinking about something that could've potentially happened. It didn't happen, it was just a possibility. And with that possibility I was supposed the stay safe, even with knowing the reality; which was, that I was safe.

I got out of the shower and while I was wearing my clothes, my fingers touched the soft, yet hard flesh on my back. I thought I scrubbed it off? Taking my phone, I angle my hand behind my back, which hurt like a ton. And I snapped a photo, only when I saw it, I was horrified. It was a large bruise, half red and purple on the side of my back. It was big, but no big enough to be called large. Or something I should be concerned about, right? I was a heavy sleeper; maybe something hit my back at night and I slept through it?

Yes, that was it.

I wear a black and white suit. The white buttoned shirt long on me, and so was the suit. I wear a black silk shayla, -which was some fancy, coating my bland outfit-, with a white colored under cap. The pants were baggy and bunched up between my ankles and heel. Along with that, I wear white soled sneakers, and tie my shoelaces butterfly style. I wear gold star earrings, which you can see only under my under-cap. For the rest of the jewelry, I wear simple combinations. Three matching, simple, gold bracelets, and some simple gold rings. With that, on my other hand, I wear an Apple Watch.  Finally, I pair it all with a black handbag. Doing a once-over at myself through the mirror, I apply my cherry red lip gloss on my lips and leave my bedroom.

As soon as I leave my room, I bump into my best friend, Lana. She was a few days older than me, and we were living together, because we worked in the same city. Our offices being mere steps away. I smile. She was working at my company as our designer. We needed clothes for whenever we'd go on missions, and she was great at designing clothes. So, I hired her. Not only because she was my best; but because she knew what she was doing, and she was talented at making clothes for us.

 She and I went way back, we'd graduated from the same university. But with different subject options. Then, we moved out and got some jobs in the same city. I was a waitress as a side job, meanwhile I collected funds for building up my own company. Lana was a big support, she and I both paid the bills together; and later, the savings were for our big, successful company. So the crime law firm boutique was as much hers, as it was mine. 

"I've made breakfast for you" Lana tells me. Her soft voice was caring, gentle and tender.
"Thank you, what'd you make?" I ask, crossing my fingers behind my back, praying she'd made chocolate crepes. They were, my absolute favorite. Lana looks behind my back, to where I was crossing my fingers and chuckles.
She nods her head at me, "I made chocolate pancakes" she says.

I squeal in delight, and she laughs, tipping her head back. We walk to the kitchen, more like, she walks to the kitchen and I sprint there, I take a eat at the table and take a bite of the delicious meal right in front of me. I groan when the delicious taste of chocolate, bananas and slightly pancakes fills my mouth. "This is delicious " I say, my mouth full. Pointing at the food, still chewing. 

"Ew, eat with your mouth closed, you animal" Lana tells me. More like, lectures me. Lana was more mature than me, like, she was just a few days older than me and was more mature?
Lana already ate her breakfast, since she woke up earlier than me. Lana then turned on the television to the news channel. And the important new headlines flashed in front of our eyes, as the reporter spoke.

"Twenty-nine year old, Jonathon Pablovski, brutally murdered last night. The body was found, at half past two last night. No sign of murderer, not even a clue. Residents and tourists recommended to stay indoors, and call 911 if any suspicious activity was suspected.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2023 ⏰

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