✨🎉Just the 5 of them 🎉✨

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Axvill 0: before you start, I just want to tell you that this chapter turn out to be a little longer than I expected. So if you don't like reading that much I'm sorry, I just had way to much information to put in here. Just save it to your reading list and continue reading tomorrow :)

If you don't care if it's long , than you can finish this in one day ( this chapter doesn't take a day to read BTW) . I promise this would be an interesting chapter. :) 

( thank you for all the support this story had got :D) 


The queen and King sat down in their chairs with SMG4 on the side. 

King: guards! Let the people in .

The guards did what the kind order. They open the first big door and then the other. 

Soon many different people started to enter the castle viewing the elegance of the design of the interior. There were family from the queen side to family from the king side. There were also friends from the royal family. Many of which the prince didn't recognize.

Queen: ok everyone please take a seat.

Everybody does what the Queen orders to. 

Queen: we all have gathered here to celebrate one of the most important date in our history. ("Our" referring to the King and Queen.) Though out our lives we have been here right on each other side. No matter what's the situation or how bad it is, we also stay together.

4: * mumbles* yeah sure.

Queen: I'm glad to announce that today we're celebrating..........our anniversary!

*everyone clapping & cheering*

Guard: quiet down please. Now we should have a word from our king.

Sudden everyone becomes silent knowing that the king is very strict . The king then stood up.

King: I would like to say that I am pleased that everyone came to such an important event. As you all know me and my magnificent wife had support this kingdom with all our heart.

4: * mumbles* we all know that's false 

King: Now I will tell you the story of how I met your queen. 

4: we all know it's going to be boring.  🙄 

King: It was mid summer, I was sitting by the hills feeling the hot breeze hitting my face softly. When all of a sudden I saw this beautiful woman with long black hair carrying a basket full of fruits. I fell in love instantly. I walk up to her and told her how beautiful she was. She didn't believe it. 

Queen: oh please ☺️

King: yeah that what she said :D and I was like girl you know if all of these women were a patch of flowers you would be the one I pick. I would put you on a crystal vase and water you every single day until death separates us.  :D

Crowd laughing and "awwwing"

4: geez I think that's the happiest he got since a long time. 😒

King: yeah and then she was like "oh plEaSe sToP, YoU kNoW tHat'S nOt trUe"

Crowd laughing 

King: and I told her come with me to find out the true. With that I took her to my kingdom and introduced her to my family. They were pleased with her ( the king left out the part where his parents ask him if she live with a wealthy family with money, 'he said yes' on purpose) and soon enough we became married. 

Crowd talking about that.

King: now I can talk about our wedding but that be too long.

Crowd laughing 

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