SMG3's comfort part 2

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The next lady stand in front of the prince. She waited until the prince looked at her.

4: ok um hello, what's your name?

Women 76: * giggles* I think we already met.

SMG4 quickly looked at the women right in the eye. Then realized who she was.

4: Clare!?

Clare: Bingo.

4: but-t what are you doing here!? Didn't you wanted to have S*x with me!?

Clare: * giggles* that's right.

4: Didn't you went already!?

Clare: oh no darling. I didn't came here to be with you. I came here to destroy your future relationship just like you did to mines.

4: you can't do that

Clare: who said I can't.

Clare stood on top of a chair 

Clare: Maybe I get you attention everyone! This you see here *points at SMG4* is a freak. He doesn't care of you guys. The only thing he cares about is having someone to f*ck each night.


Clare: oh yeah? Then why you rejected those fine ladies over there?

4: because they're not my type!

Clare: you ladies over there, don't you feel sad that he didn't pick you? You know that all of you would be the perfect wife for him. But he didn't give you a chance. Doesn't that make you mad?

Rejected ladies: yeah, she's right, agree 

Clare: Now what if we show this dumb prince how we're truly are

All of the ladies stood beside Clare with Clare in the middle of the group of ladies 

4: you don't have to do that 

Clare: hit it girls!

Women 13: you're a freak!

Women 23: you're useless 

Women 45: why were you even born?

4: excuse me?

SMG4's eyes started to fill with tears.

Women 52: yeah you always reject us, we are perfect just the why we are!

Women 27: yeah perfect!

4: ok but I'm n-not saying  y-ou guys aren't perfect ( he said it with a voice saying that he's about to cry)

Women 38: useless freak!

All the women: yeah useless!

Clare: see you heard what they said! Now cry! Yeah you're such a cry baby .

4: no I-I'm not!

SMG4 looked at Meggy and Mario 

4: 💧guys do something about it💧

Meggy looked at Mario and then looked back at SMG4

Meggy: I'm sorry but we cannot interact with this kind of events.

Then SMG4 looked at his parents. They just ignored him and gave him a look saying to continue.Then he looked at SMG3. SMG3 had a worry face. SMG4 knew that he couldn't do nothing about it.

Clare: we had enough of this rejection, our hearts got broken thanks to you. Now you would have to pay for this. Girls ATTACK!

All the ladies started to jump across the line that separated them and the prince. They were headed towards the prince with their fists raised but luckily the guards were there to stop them.

SMG4 eyes fill with tears and shock.

4:........I......I.......I don't want to continue this

King: but you have too. You have no other choice 

Clare: yeah bit*h come here continue!

All women: yeah!

SMG4 looked at everyone doing nothing about it. He couldn't take it anymore.

4: ..........DON'T TALK TO ME!!!

SMG4 ran out of the main lobby crying to his room.

King: SMG4! Come back!

Queen: SMG4! Your father is talking to you!

3: SMG4, Wait!

SMG3 followed SMG4 from behind .

Meggy: *sigh* now what.

King: we need to settle with this mess.


3: SMG4 wait!

SMG4 enter his room and shut the door tight.

3: SMG4 open the door!

SMG3 keeps banging on his door.

3: SMG4 open the dam door!

4: what you want!

3: I want to talk to you!

4: I don't need no company!

3: just open the door!

SMG3 push the door over and over again until it open. He entered the room only to see SMG4 in a dark room curled up crying underneath his pillow. He somehow closed the door.

3: hey, you alright?

No response.

3:  hey listen to me, your safe here, with me. 

4: go away.

3: hey..... * proceeds to touch SMG4*

4: don't touch me

3: oh ok. Listen, I'm here to listen to you ok?

4: why should I tell you my feelings? You probably don't even care.

3: of course I care! So why am I here then?

4: I don't know. Maybe to get my money just like everyone else?

3: no it's not that, well maybe a little, but that's not the main reason.

4: so what is it?

3: come here.

SMG3 Lifts up the pillow on SMG4 head.

3: I know how it feels to be lonely on moments like this.

4: I'm not lonely. I have Meggy and Mario.

3: yeah but do they comfort you like I do?

4: well um no but-

3: see, they might think that leaving you alone just because you said so would resolve the problem but no. I been there many times before and trust me, it's better when you have someone on your side comforting you.

4: Hu

3: come here

SMG3 open his arms. With out thinking, SMG4 hugged him. SMG3 hugged him back.

3: shhhhh you'll see that every thing would turn out good at the end.

SMG4 could feel 3's warm body comforting him. He started to blush a little but then calm down.

4: t-thank y-you

3: no need to thank me.

They both looked at each other and smiled.  SMG4 could finally get the comfort he always wanted from the start and SMG3 made that happen. Without saying anything more, they fall asleep in each other's arms.

 💤Good night 🌙 

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