Knowing about the job

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Warning: spelling mistakes and bad grammar 

As soon as the next day arrived, the servant took all his belongings and headed toward the castle's two big doors. The queen and king was there to make sure he never comes back.

Servant: well um, it was nice working with you? 

King: I don't think it was nice. Guards, take him away.

With that the guards kick him out of the castle and locked the doors tightly. 

Back with SMG4...

Meggy: good morning sleepy head, Mario and I brought you some breakfast.

4: uh? Oh, good morning you two. I forgot you guys are my temporary servants. 

Mario: Mario brought you something special.

*hands over*

4: um what is this?

Mario: It's "pancakeghettis". It's a combination between pancakes and spaghetti.

4: um uh thank you?

Meggy: see I told you he wouldn't like it.

4: no, no, I do like it, it's just-

Meggy: What if we let the prince eat, ok Mario?

Mario: Oookkkk

Sudden someone knocked the door.

Meggy: Mario, weren't you supposed to be in guard?

Mario: no, weren't Meggy supposed to be in guard

* knock knock knock*

4: just go open the door.

Mario stood up and open the door, but he make sure that it's someone who's allowed to enter the prince room.

Tari & Luigi: good morning guys.

Mario: ah, good morning.

Tari: we just came here to clean the room.

Meggy: oh enter.

Tari and Luigi enter the room while Meggy and Mario exited the room to continue their shift.

Luigi: I heard what happed last night with your servant. Are you ok?

4: yeah, thanks god Meggy came in time to save me. I'm not sure if I would ever recover from that. I know for sure I'm going to keep my eye on my next servant, if they ever find one.

Luigi: hm, I see. Maybe I can help. Well I better continue cleaning, it's almost my lunch break you know.

4: yeah I know. 

Tari and Luigi continue cleaning 4's room and once their done, the left the room. SMG4 told Meggy and Mario to not come in his room for now. He wanted some alone time. Meggy and Mario agreed.

SMG4 pov:

I sat on my bed and started to think.  Would I ever find true love? Would  I find a wife that really loves me and doesn't care about how rich I am?  Then something that I had never thought about came up.  What if I was a prince? I if I wasn't born with all of this stuff. Would I find true love than?  I just lay on my bed and think about it for the next few hours.



I was lying on my couch and staring at the ceiling. "What is going on" I told myself. "Why can't I find something to do." I have a lot of free time, yet I don't know what to do. I don't even have a job. Every time I try to apply to a job, I either don't get it right the first time or the job doesn't pay me good enough. I was stressed out.

I stood up and looked at the time. 9:32 am. "Seems like a good time to go out for a walk, isn't that right Eggdog?" "Ruff!" 

I grab Eggdog leach and put it on him. Then took my house keys and walk to the nearest park. This place was kind of small so it wasn't that far to walk to. Once we got there, I saw a fruit stand and decided to buy some fruits for later. 

We were just walk on the dirt path when Eggdog noticed a dog park. There were many types of dogs. Big and small, brown to white, fluffy to non fluffy. But none of them looked like Eggdog. That's what made Eggdog a little scared.

"Go on, don't be scare buddy, it's ok you'll see. Now go make some new friends" I said to calm him down. 

"Ruff! /ok" he replied 

And off he goes into the dog park. There was a bench inside the park so I just sat there thinking of my problems.  I sat there for like a good 5 minutes, until I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.

*end of SMG3 pov*

3: ahhh, oh it's just you. 

Luigi: I'm sorry I scared you. I just saw you and decided to talk with you for a bit.

3: oh, wait what are you doing outside of the castle walls?

Luigi: it's my lunch shift. Anyways what are you doing here.

3: Well I just feel overwhelmed with not finding a great job so I decided to take a little walk with Eggdog and-

Luigi stop him

Luigi: did you said that you couldn't find a job?

3: um yeah, is there something wrong?

Luigi: well now that you mention it, the prince ex servant just got fired because he was trying to poison the prince. Thank god his body guard was there to save him in time.

3: oh that's horrible! Did the prince die?!

Luigi: 😑 did you not hear the part where his body guard saved him?

3: oh right my bad. Anyways what about that.

Luigi: Well the king is looking for a good trustworthy servant. But he didn't had luck finding one. I was thinking of any of my friends worthy enough to work for the king and I thought of you! 

3: Nah uh, no way I'm doing that.

Luigi: come on! I'll be there. You'll be the best servant the king had ever had.  

3: no I'm talking about the king would never accept me!

Luigi: what you mean!? I think your trustful enough to meet the expectations.

3: no, he would never accept me BECAUSE I'M IN MIDDE TEIR CLASS! 

Luigi: oh, I forgot about that. Um....

3: see, uh. Thanks for trying at least.

Luigi: no,no, I think I can convince the king to accept you.

3: nah it's ok, I'll just go find a job that fits me I guess. 

Luigi: no you don't! I will get you that job, just wait and see.

3: hm, thanks it's nice he has that confidence 

With that Luigi headed back to the castle to try to convince the king.

3: well, uh Eggdog, we better be going, I still have to go grocery shopping.

SMG3 and Eggdog left the park and went grocery shopping. While he was shopping, the thought of being the prince's servant  was just stuck in his mind. What if Luigi managed to get him the job?  I mean, he did wanted the money so he can live in a better place tho. But he also didn't know how to be a servant. 

So many thoughts came in his mind that sometimes he just stand in front of the item he wants and just stare at it.  People find him weird. Eggdog haded to bring him back to reality. 


Well that was a short chapter. More context coming right up.

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