Apophis: Hmm, for someone that you've known for so long, even with the ritual that is a tough connection to let go and the other woman, you're confused, you will need to get an affirmative answer from her, so you can find closure. If alcohol was used, it is possible that some sort of substance could have been used.

Issei: You mean like drugs?

Apophis: Possibly, you'll only know if you confront them, do you know if any of them know that you know about their infidelity if you have not confronted them?

Issei: Well, I do know my grandmother is with the childhood friend, so maybe she does, I confronted my former parents who were in on it, if they told them, then they just didn't care about me to even consider looking for me for forgiveness.

Apophis: That's a fair assessment, but perhaps there is some good news, if the childhood friend is away from any of those people and remains celibate, the scent of the other male will fade away and you can confront her without feeling nauseous.

Issei: I didn't know that, so if Rossweisse kept away from Azazel, I can know why she chose Azazel or maybe see if the alcohol had anything to do with it, but would she lie? I was lied to enough by others, so I don't know.

Apophis: You won't know unless you are staring them in the face and looking them in the eye. Onto other things, how does it feel applying my primal aspect to your fire, it feels more powerful doesn't it? And what is your title, your attribute?

Issei: Well, first, I never noticed it at first, the flames feel stronger and if I imbue them with my desolation aura, definitely will be stronger.

Apophis: Desolation, hmm, complete destruction or complete emptiness, depending on how you look at it. Did you have a moment of rage? I can tell you must have felt empty after you lost your women without being given a chance to fight for them.

Issei: Not only that, said women are the ones that lied to my former birth parents about my achievements, they think I'm a low class demon, but I'm more than that.

Apophis: Of course you are, you think, I, the Primal Eclipse Dragon, would lose to a low class demon!? Of course not! It's good that you are seeing it as well. Tell me, have you met Ryūjin Jakka?

Issei: No, don't think I have, I met Ozai and the spirit of Lancelot within the blade, Arondight.

Apophis: 'Hmm, is he not noble enough for Ryūjin Jakka to show itself? He's a hero, but is that not good enough?' - the evil dragon thought to himself, but then he remembered the other name that Issei said - you have met with Lancelot?

Issei: Yeah, he's the guy that slept with the king's wife that I told you about, in which the king started a war. He was King Arthur's best friend, but fell in love with the queen and the queen fell for him, they continued their affair, until the king found out, eventually ruining the kingdom. The only good thing was that some lady deceived Lancelot, resulting in the birth of his son, Galahad, but I knew him as Belzard, he was a better knight than his father and a much better Sekiryuutei than me.

Apophis: I must admit that Lancelot was quite the knight and I assume that the spirit has trained you, so your prowess with a sword should be better. As a matter of fact, how long have you been training since you relinquished yourself from the fall?

Issei: Hmm, well, here in the Oasis, time goes much faster than the outside world. It might be 4 to 5 weeks out there, which is 20 to 25 weeks in here, so I guess about 4 and a half months.

Apophis: And you have yet to awaken Ddraig? - causing Issei to put his head down in shame.

Issei: Ozai felt that I was ready and I came into the depths of my mind to find him, but wound up meeting you instead. Now I know that I will always be part evil dragon and part normal dragon.

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