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With a mixture of exhaustion and slight reluctance, I walk into the regular pub, my teammates behind me. The sound of laughing voices and the muffled murmur of several people surrounds us as we enter The Mellow. Nathan, always up for a party, has once again found some reason to celebrate. It seems like he always finds the occasion to escape our coach's strict demands.

In the middle of our conversations about the last game and tomorrow's practice, Kane, one of the seniors, shouts loudly over the crowd. "Man, you really need to learn to shut up, Nathan! Last time the coach made us run extra because of your talking, too. You look like a bitch with all that talking."

A few boys laugh at Kane's comment, but I can't really chuckle at it. The pressure of training is still in the air, and I'm not in the mood for more fuss.

We settle down at the bar, surrounded by other people celebrating their Friday night here. Everyone from our school has been here at least once; it's also known for the mellow being our pub. Across from I see a couple of guys from the hockey team who are probably also coming to drown their victories or frustrations. They sit noisily at a table in the corner, I order a glass of water and try to ignore the rising fatigue.

Just as I start to relax, a group of girls approaches, led by Lilly with her signature smile that exudes confidence and seeks attention. Among them is a blonde with captivating eyes, her gaze fixated on Nathan, who laps up the attention like a thirsty man at an oasis. They join us at the bar, and despite sitting next to Elijah moments ago, Lilly slides in between us. We've had our moments, but it was nothing more than a casual fling. I've made it clear, but Lilly seems to cling to the fantasy of something more. It's frustrating how easily she falls for the illusion of love, but I can't deny the allure of her relentless pursuit.

"We're heading to Stella's for an after-party. Care to join?" the blonde asks, her eyes darting between Nathan and me. Lilly's gaze shifts to me, a silent plea in her eyes, but I turn my attention to the rest of the team, who seem eager for another round of festivities.

Nathan, always eager for a good time, looks at me expectantly. "What do you say, Ryan? Up for a little post-game celebration?"

I sigh, feeling the fatigue weighing me down. "Maybe next time, guys. I'm just not feeling it tonight."

Despite my initial reluctance, the energy of the crowd and Nathan's persistent persuasion begin to wear down my resolve. The allure of escaping the monotony of my thoughts becomes too tempting to resist, and I find myself wavering.

With a resigned sigh, I glance around at my teammates, who are already exchanging eager glances and nodding in agreement. Nathan's infectious enthusiasm is contagious, and even Kane, who had earlier scoffed at the idea, seems to be warming up to the prospect.

"Alright, fine," I concede, giving in to the collective excitement. "Let's make it a quick one, though. I've got an early morning tomorrow."

Nathan beams, his grin widening as he claps me on the back. "That's the spirit, Ryan! You won't regret it, trust me."

As we prepare to leave, Lilly's eyes light up with a mixture of relief and anticipation. She sidles up to me, her voice tinged with excitement as she whispers in my ear, "You won't regret it, Ryan. I promise."

Her words send a shiver down my spine, and for a moment, I'm tempted to reconsider. But the pull of the after-party, fueled by the promise of adventure and the thrill of the unknown, is too strong to resist.

With a sense of anticipation tinged with apprehension, I follow my teammates out of the pub and into the night, knowing that whatever awaits us at Stella's will be anything but ordinary.

As we make our way to Stella's, the anticipation in the air grows palpable. The streets are alive with the buzz of Friday night revelry, and I can't help but feel a surge of excitement coursing through my veins. Nathan leads the way, his steps quick and purposeful, while Elijah and Lucas follow closely behind, their laughter mingling with the chatter of the crowd.

Stella's is a familiar sight, its neon sign casting a warm glow against the night sky. As we approach, the sound of music and laughter spills out onto the street, drawing us in like moths to a flame. The air is thick with the scent of cigarettes and cheap perfume, and I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as we push our way through the crowd.

Inside, the party is in full swing. The dimly lit room is packed with bodies, swaying to the rhythm of the music and lost in the haze of alcohol and smoke. Nathan wastes no time in making himself at home, weaving his way through the throng with the ease of a seasoned party-goer.

I follow close behind, my senses buzzing with excitement and anticipation. Lilly is nowhere to be seen, but I can feel her presence lingering in the air like a phantom. I push the thought aside, focusing instead on the here and now, on the pulsating energy of the crowd and the promise of adventure that awaits.

As the night wears on, the music grows louder and the drinks flow freely. Nathan is in his element, his infectious energy drawing others to him like moths to a flame. Elijah and Lucas are not far behind, their laughter mingling with the chatter of the crowd as they lose themselves in the revelry.

But amidst the chaos and the cacophony of noise, a sense of unease begins to gnaw at the edges of my consciousness. I can't shake the feeling that something is not quite right, that lurking beneath the surface of the party lies a darkness waiting to be unleashed.

I glance around, my eyes searching the crowd for any sign of Lilly, but she is nowhere to be seen. A sense of foreboding settles over me like a shroud, and I can't help but wonder what awaits us in the depths of Stella's, hidden beneath the veneer of laughter and music.

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