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I slam the apartment door behind me when I get back from the fair, it's pretty late but when I glance at the kitchen I see that Elijah, Lucas and Nathan are still awake. Probably they are still going to some chick's house party, her dad is fucking rich and she shares a house off campus with her best friend.

'I still wonder who you are with and why you always come home so late for her, or is it a him. bro tell us something.' Says Nathan and the rest of the guys laugh I shake my head and raise my middle finger and open the bud light I get thrown in me hands, I chuckle.

'Not that it's any of your business, but it's a she and her name is Joanne, I think.' I mutter softly after, and a small smile comes to my face.

Joanne, she didn't want to say her real name. I don't know why, but somehow I find it quite amusing. Maybe also because I didn't have to say my name, the fair or park we were first talking to each other is the closest thing to lurid university. So I guess she is at the university who is the biggest rival of our university belcher. But I'm not going to tell the boys that, I'm not going to tell them any more than they know now.

'You don't know that? Bro are you serious, do you even know what the fuck you're dealing with?' Says Elijah and looks at me with a frown. I roll my eyes, now this is why I don't tell these fuckers anything. Lucas continues laughing and I throw the empty can at him, Lucas already shoves a new one at me and Nathan grabs his car keys.

'Anyway we're going, next time don't make us wait so long bro,' I chuckle. That sentence, that sentence I had said to Joanne just tonight. We don't have each other's number and actually we always take each other's word for it and always find each other on time. So this time we didn't and she was I don't know fucking three quarters of an hour late, which is why I was late for the boys today.

It started at the beginning of the summer, we lost the championship to Louisiana State University, we lost by a fucking point. I jumped in the car the day after and drove some laps around town, I went by my parents who told me that I had done well and will succeed next year. They supported me since I had a football in my hands, I love them and are always number one. And then she was sitting there on the bench staring at some kids playing further down the road, I don't know how fucking stoned she was but I sat down next to her. She seemed chill, I could scold everyone and vent my frustration and she could do the same. After listening to my bullshit for two hours she started talking about a sport herself, basketball. And about her older brother who apparently must be an idiot and her best friend, or her old best friend who is now in a relationship with her brother. Anyway it was fucked up, at first I thought she was just blowing but she uses more. Normally I would run away from people like that but somehow she has me in her grip and I don't want to make any effort to break free either. I want to help her, even though
I don't even know her real name.

'We're here boys let's go' all four of us get out of the car, when we go anywhere Nathan always drives us everywhere. He doesn't drink anymore, about a year ago when he ended up outside somewhere and got hypothermia. He was lucky that someone found him and found help, he was only in the hospital for two nights but his parents and our coach were so fucking angry and disappointed that he quit. Fine for us tho, we don't have to swap who drives anymore.

'Man get laid you need it when was the last time for you, get that weird chick out of your head man you don't even know who you're talking to.' Lucas puts an arm around me and gives me a few pats on my chest before walking further into the house, that boy only thinks about fucking all the girls on and off campus. I walk past the large crowd already there following the boys, tomorrow we have an important game against Georgia and our rival who are doing fucking well out of the blue, Lurid won from them. So if they can do it, we can do that. Lurid university found investors who paid so many millions to them that they can finally win for once. Although their wide receiver, Aiden Johnson is a real talent that name is going to be seen often in the nfl.

Cade Barron captain of our university's ice hockey team, he is a fucking talent and is definitely going to make it to the drafts at the nhl. But besides that he is also one of my best buddies for advice, sure my roommates are my best friends but sometimes I feel like they don't understand me. Cade is a senior and also has a girlfriend, when I told him about Joanne he didn't act like I was fucking crazy, but he listened to me and he gave me advice.

"Mate, what's up? He throws a can of Bud light, I catch it easily but before I open it I greet his girlfriend Riley.

'Riley, how lucky Cade is to have you.' I wink at her and she chuckles. Riley and Cade have been together since Sophomore year. I think and I hope I get to be at their wedding in a few years, those two are inseparable but in a good way. I think their relationship is fantastic, also Riley is an amazing woman. One out of thousands, she is always there for him but also knows how to put him in his place which is well needed with such a sportsman.

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