Zeus Xenios: visita

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Montgomery walked through the hospital. He made his way through the halls at a quick pace and knocked on the door to Paris' room. It wasn't he who answered but his wife: Katharina. "Come in". She answered and Montgomery walked through the door, still in his uniform.

Katarina, now obviously more pregnant since last Montgomery saw her got to her feet and gave him a hug. "Oh, how good it is of you to visit". She said and Montgomery smiled as he made a small bow and kissed her hand. "I came as soon as I could, Lady Lebedev". He responded and she smiled. "I think we are beyond titles, Montgomery. Please you shall call me Katharina. Lady is too official for a sister-in-law, not?" She said and Montgomery nodded slowly "Of course, Katarina". He responded, he looked over to Paris who was asleep. Paris' usually neatly combed and trimmed hair and moustache was a mess. Even though he was put in one of the best rooms in the hospital it was an unpleasant room to be in. A thin egg-shell white curtain separated Paris from whoever was laid beside him, the floor was dirty and the plaster walls had begun to swell from water damage.

Katarina gave Paris a gentle shake, who oddly hadn't woken up even though Montgomery and Katarina had quite a loud conversation. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at his younger brother... "Montgomery-?" He attempted to say but there was this 'deaf man's accent' to his voice as he struggled to sound out the question.

"Paris, I came as soon as I heard. I hope all is well-". Montgomery said but Paris looked at Montgomery confused and looked to Katarina who loudly said: "He asks if all is well Paris!" She spoke at loud volumes which reminded Montgomery of the loud booming voice of Captain Ogilvie and even if it was subconsciously, he straightened his way of standing just by a bit.

Paris looked to Montgomery and sighed... "No, all is not well... I still cannot hear well and I have this infuriating ringing in my ears the doctors cannot seem to cure". Paris said and Katarina sighed. "He is getting the best treatment there is but doctors say Paris will remain partially deaf for the rest of his life". She said and Montgomery looked at both of them.

"How terrible- I cannot imagine it. It's truly horrible... but I'm relieved you and the child are fine... I guess in some cruel way. You were lucky". He said and Katarina nodded solemnly. "Yes, we are aware it could have ended in a much more dramatic way... but this-... it's not something I ever wished would happen to my dear husband". She said and Montgomery nodded along in silent agreement. Montgomery wouldn't exactly say he was very close to Paris, he wasn't very close to either of his siblings. They were both ten years older and simply had different lives compared to Montgomery.

Paris was a spitting image of their father, he had the same blonde hair, the same green eyes and the same ability to grow a near-perfect moustache. He was calm, professional, and had this natural stoic look to him. He was a younger version of Wilbur Caelan Armstrong, the perfect man to continue the Armstrong line. While Montgomery wasn't. He had the blonde hair of his father, yes, but that is where the similarities ended. Montgomery had the same greenish-hazel eyes as his mother, he had her Greek genes which gave him the ability to tan very fast and gave him freckles on basically every inch of his body. His hair was more unruly, if he didn't spend time in the morning trying to comb it flat his hair would simply frizz up and become this wavy mess.

Montgomery stayed in the hospital until 8 p.m. He pardoned himself and left the room, then he walked to the train station. Flying would be much faster than taking the train all the way to Silesia Prussia but flying a British Sopwith Camel over Germany and Prussia is basically free target practice for any anti-aircraft artillery down below. If Montgomery were to be any other average private, he could face death for even thinking of visiting and conversing with the enemy. On the contrary, Officers and nobles did it all the time. They could be out in the field trying to kill one another and celebrate Christmas together all the same right after.

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