Harpocrates: lupus et ovis

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Manfred looked to the roof... a silence fell between them. "Manfred?" Montgomery asked, softly, in an almost careful manner. Manfred turned his head. "Yes, Armstrong?" He asked in response. "You told me once, a few months back that you did not know what side you were for and- forgive me for digging up skeletons but I simply cannot forget". Montgomery sad and Manfred looked away from him and sighed.

He picked up a diary from his nightstand. "This, is my magnum opus, Armstrong. Probably one of the only primary sources of my life that will remain in 100, or 150 years. The German army has been making a statement, by forcing me to leave out all that went wrong. They want to make me into a God, put me on a pedestal for all to see, use me to justify their crimes". He said and then he stopped for a second and his face filled with a certain anger, something that was very unusual for the ever so calculated and stoic Manfred von Richthofen.  "Well, I'm not even German". He said with a powerful anger, almost a form of resentment. 

Manfred looked at the covers on his bed as Montgomery took it all in. "The German empire is planning something, and I don't think either of us will win. They completely dominate Prussia... it's like our own government forgot what Prussia stands for ". He said and Montgomery sighed as Manfred spoke. He looked down. "It just doesn't make sense... nothing does". He said and looked at Manfred. "What even happened?" Montgomery asked and Manfred looked away. In the pitch-black room, it's clear there are some small tears at the corner of his eyes but Montgomery does not comment. He's never seen Manfred cry. It's not proper for a Baron the likes of Manfred von Richthofen to cry in the presence of someone else but Montgomery can't help but pity him.

"What happened, Manfred?" He asked again in a soft whisper. "Friedrich is dead...". He responded in a whisper. "The only man I could trust with my heart and soul that was on my side of the war... is dead". He sucked in a deep breath as he looked down and a tear rolls down his cheek. Montgomery looked at him and put a hand on Manfred's shoulder. Manfred looked him straight in the eyes. "I was the one that was supposed to die, Montgomery... I looked to my right, and he waved goodbye before his plane plummeted to the ground-". Manfred stopped and Montgomery looked at him.

"He waved at me, Monty-... I landed my plane and I was the one to drag his body from the wreck. I held him and tried to find a heartbeat but he-... he was dead". As he finished his words, Montgomery carefully pulled him into a hug that Manfred didn't know he needed so much. "Sternberg was such a kind man-... I'm so sorry for your loss, Manfred". Montgomery said. Manfred sighed softly into the hug. "It should have been me, I was ready to join him when I got shot down but every time-... it's like God just does not want me to die-". Manfred said and Montgomery looked at him.

"Manfred- you shan't say things like that-... please do not tell me you wish to die- you said it yourself:  I cannot imagine living in a world where you are no more". Montgomery spoke and Manfred could only look away with a slight sense of shame. "I do not know what I wish... I simply don't know anything anymore-". He said and Montgomery just held him for a while. They sat there in the dark of Manfred's room and Montgomery simply sat... "How are you feeling, herr von Richthofen?" Montgomery asked. It was maybe the wrong question, he knew Manfred was not well. He at least hoped, he felt slightly better.

"Herr von Richthofen? Seriously Montgomery?" Manfred asked and Montgomery looked down at him. "Do not avoid my question, Manfred". He said and Manfred looked away again. "Like I've gotten a taste of hell... my head hurts so much- it's like someone pulled a sick joke on me and switched my brain and heart". He spoke.

"It might have been a creative way to commit suicide, but I'm glad you came...". Manfred said as he looked at Montgomery. He smiled softly... "I'm glad to find you alive". He responded as they looked at one another. The dream came back to Montgomery... and it hadn't changed. Manfred was still the magnet and Montgomery was the sorry piece of metal. It was all in the way Montgomery's hands fit so perfectly around his face, the way they both looked at one another with fear and guilt... knowing that this was wrong. 

When they closed that gap though it felt so right, the way they just fit together like two missing pieces from a puzzle. Manfred's hand found its way to the back of Montgomery's head messing up the slicked back hair causing some of his curly blonde hair to fall in front of Montgomery's face. 

Once they pulled back and looked one another in the eyes the room went completely quiet... they looked at one another, shock on Manfred's face and Montgomery felt his guts tie together in fear. "I-". He said but Manfred just looked at him. "Montgomery? No one, and I mean no one may ever know about this, when you leave, we shan't ever talk about this. Not to anyone else, not to each other". Manfred said, his face now much more serious, returning to the stoic Baron he needed to be.

Montgomery was quiet for a while. "Of course, Freiherr I wouldn't ever do such a thing". He responded but Manfred shook his head. "No Montgomery, I truly mean never again. I am expected to marry, I am the one in charge of continuing the title. I cannot let this infatuation ruin me, Monty". He said and sounded almost desperate, broken. That stoic mask of his just melts right off as they lock eyes and they can't ignore one another anymore. Montgomery grabs his face and kisses him once more and after a short moment of shock and shame, it all just melts away.

No matter how deviating what they're doing might be they can't ignore it. Manfred pulls Montgomery into bed with him and looks up at him... "You Brits are insufferable". He said and Montgomery chuckled softly... "Έλα τώρα. Δεν είμαι καν εντελώς Βρετανός". He said to Manfred as he kissed his cheek. "Scheiße- das-... that is so not fair". He responded and Montgomery laughed.

He laid down next to Manfred and looked at his watch. He sighed... "I have to leave soon-...". He said with a tone of sadness and Manfred looked at him. "It's okay...". He whispered in response. "We'll meet again, right?" He asked Manfred and he nodded "We will". He said with a confirming nod. "Stay alive for me, Manfred". He said as he stood up but then looked at him as he layed in bed.

Montgomery leaned down and gently kissed him before leaving the room.

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