Aphrodite: magnus pinguis Graecae nuptiae

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-24th March 1917-
"Today, we are here in celebration of Sir Paris William Armstrong and Dutchess Katharina Nicholas Lebedev, who will from this day, be married in both the eyes of God and the public". Said the priest as Paris and his soon-to-be wife stood at the altar, they had been officially married a day ago, a small very intimate exchange in the local church, only now it was the ceremony all over again for all family and friends to see.

A beautiful wedding it was, it was nice weather, with only a few clouds and the bride looked absolutely gorgeous.

Montgomery could see his mother shed a tear of joy, his sister Penelope sat next to her husband Jacques and her two-year-old son Henry who was such a well-behaved child. His father's chair had simply been removed from the lineup. A few more chairs were left empty between the crowd a chair for everyone that they had lost along the way.

"Do you, Sir Armstrong take Dutchess Lebedev as your wife and do you promise faithful to her as you are to the church and the Lord?" Asked the Priest.

"I do". Paris said with the biggest smile on his face, Montgomery swore he could see Paris crying a little, something he won't let his older brother just simply forget "And do you, Dutchess Lebedev take Sir Armstrong as your husband and do you promise faithful to him as you are faithful to the church and the Lord?" The Priest asked once more and the bride nodded eagerly.

"I do". She responded her Russian accent all the more noticeable through the tears she was shedding. "Now, anyone with any objections come to the light under the eyes of God now, or choose to stay in the dark forever". Not a soul in that crowd moved for the five seconds there was given for anyone to object... Montgomery looked around himself and let out an audible sigh... he enjoyed messing with his brother but he would've hated if anyone dared ruin his brother's special day by objecting.

"Then I will, within the power invested in me, pronounce you, husband and wife... you may kiss the bride". Everyone cheered as the newlyweds kissed except for Penelope who promptly covered her son's eyes, the small child called out: "Non! Maman... je veux voir!"

As Paris helped his wife down the steps of the altar Montgomery walked up to them... "Congratulations Duke Armstrong". He said softly into his ear and it caused Paris to chuckle softly.

When Montgomery's father married his mother, his mother made sure his father wouldn't become a Baron, so, they're Baronet Armstrong and Baroness Theotokis... which says a lot about the relationship they have... but now, Paris is marrying a Dutchess who loves him dearly and now, Paris can proudly call himself a Duke.

Penelope also walked towards them, carrying her son in her arms, her husband behind her... "congratulations the two of you... Katherina you're a stunning bride". She said to the two of them as her husband put a hand on her shoulder, Montgomery looked at her husband.

"You must be Jacques". He said stretching out his hand for a civil handshake... "Ouais, you are Montgomery, oui? Uhm-... je m' excuse, my English is not very good uh-". Jacques said nervously but Montgomery shrugged it off and smiled at Jacques, who was a kind and timid man... not a noble of any kind, from what his sister told him, he knew that Jacques was the son of a middle-class shoemaker with a not all too bad heart.

They chatted for a while as the band started to play a few songs, the bride and groom opened by dancing first, then, Katharina danced with her father... a man that looked impressive and even a bit scary but he had a big soft spot for his only daughter and looked at her with pride as he saw how gorgeous she looked dancing in her white dress.

Montgomery took it upon himself to dance with his mother before she was borrowed by Katharina's father. Montgomery looked around, he didn't want to dance with only his mother... so he looked around for a woman who had no one to dance with.

He spotted a lady about his age with blonde hair and striking icy blue eyes. Montgomery walked towards her... "excuse me, my lady? Can I ask you for a dance?" He asked the woman and she nodded, "Of course, sir". She placed her glass of champagne on a table and took his hand, they stepped onto the dance floor.

"If I may ask, how do you know the newlyweds?" He asked her as they waltzed to the music... "I'm Dutchess Katharina's sister-in-law... my brother was married to her sister". She said speaking with the slightest German accent and Montgomery felt weird dancing with a German girl while wearing his British uniform... at least she hadn't commented on it yet... he also noted on her use of was. He felt his heart stop beating for a second but he bit through, deciding against questioning the matter.

All of a sudden he remembered the war that was still going... is his squadron okay?

He was snapped from his thoughts when the girl asked, "And you? How do you know the newlyweds?" She was a rather good dancer Montgomery noted as they danced. "I'm Paris' younger brother... you must excuse me, my lady but I never got to know your name?" He asked as they danced and he could see the woman's eyes twinkle softly as they did.

"Ingeborg... Ingeborg von Richthofen". She said and the second she said that Montgomery almost froze... he just barely managed to muster the reflex to keep on dancing... Ingeborg gave him an odd look, but Montgomery smiled it away... "Well, Baroness von Richthofen... my name's Montgomery Armstrong, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance... are you closely related to Freiherr Manfred von Richthofen?" He asked and Ingeborg giggled.

"I'm his cousin... my brother Wolfram von Richthofen, he lost his life in 1914... looking at your uniform I'm guessing you are a British pilot?" She said, her face looked at Montgomery with a solemn form of acceptance. He knew she was trying to change the topic and Montgomery was not one to pressure a moarning lady with even more questions.

"Yes, Lady von Richthofen... I'm an ace actually, of squadron 540... your cousins are all very worthy opponents... are they here?" He asked, if he saw Manfred once more, he'd start thinking the Red Baron was playing some kind of trick on him.

"Unfortunately not, while Manfred is on medical leave he had other business to attend to and I do not know if he was invited or not". She said and Montgomery nodded at what she said.

They danced for another few minutes. Until they broke apart, as evening fell and some guests left, such as distant family and Penelope who had to put little Henry to bed, the party was moved inside the estate. More champagne was distributed throughout the guests and Montgomery quickly found himself drinking a bit too much.... the buzz of the alcohol turning in his core.

He was still cognitive but the music and conversation that was made all sort of blended together...

As the night progressed most people started to leave and Montgomery pardoned himself to his bedroom...

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