"Look at me." He mutters, his voice softer than I have ever heard it.

I look into his eyes and notice him swallow, a smile playing at his lips.

"I told you I would be terrible." I laugh and roll my eyes, shrinking under his attention.

"No, dearest. Look at me. Be here with me." His hand creeps up my back sending chills in it's wake until it slides back down settling just above the base of my tail. "In the moment."

I look back to him and wet my lips, his eyes following the movement.

"There." He smiles, and I realize what he was doing.

Now it doesn't feel like we're dancing, but floating together, gliding across the creaky wooden floor with ease. Giddy laughter bubbles up in my throat, drunken on the bard's song and the beautiful male in front of me. He rewards me with a true smile and tucks his head against my neck, brushing his lips against my skin.

I move my hand from his shoulder, threading it through his hair, "Is there much dancing in Baldur's Gate?"

"Yes, but it is nothing like this." He mutters against my neck, pressing a kiss to the column of my throat.

"How so?"

He pulls away and I rest my hand at the base of his neck.

"Because it's you." He says plainly, "Back where I'm from in Baldur's Gate, everything has a price. Sometimes you know exactly what that price is, but other times it's part of the deal. Never to speak it aloud. Everything you have is for sale in one way or another, physically, mentally..." He trails off, his gaze taking on that distant quality.

I reach and caress his cheek. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch.

"But you," He sighs, "You ask nothing of me and I would give you—"

I kiss him, cutting him off. Part of me wants him to finish that sentence and another is scared to hear it spoken out loud, making everything I'm feeling in the moment real. The potential loss and unknown, losing that feeling of weightlessness under his gaze when he finds out what is in my own wretched heart.

Astarion growls in response, crushing me against his chest, his tongue teasing against the seam of my lips. I open to him with a whimper as he begins to slowly walk me back until we hit the edge of the mattress.

I pull away to see a fire raging in his eyes as he lifts his white shirt over his head, balling it up and tossing it aside. With one movement pushes me back onto the bed and I shift backwards as he climbs after me, his hand circling my ankle pushing my dress up as he draws a trail up towards my thigh.

As he gets closer, he hooks his knee behind mine, spreading my legs a bit wider to settle his hips between them. I reach for him, my hands running over his abdomen and his chest until I cup his face and pull him back down to me. It's like I can breathe again as he kisses me, something blooming deep within my chest and a heat that settles between my legs.

"No." He growls and pulls away, his nose nudging and caressing mine as he remains a breath's away from my lips. "You're hiding from me." He mutters, leaning to kiss me again, but hesitating, "This isn't what I want."

I search his face, "What do you mean?"

"This bloody dress." He grits his teeth, "It's a lie. I want you." With one movement he reaches and tears the bodice of my dress down the middle exposing my breasts to the chilled air.

"Oh gods." I moan at the sight of him staring down at me.

"Don't worry, my dearest. I will buy you another." He smiles, "If you want to play dress up, you will have the finest silks." He leans in and kisses my neck and whispers in my ear, "but not the first time I slide deep inside of you."

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