6. Better Than Revenge

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Oberyn could swear that his heart stopped beating and his lungs refused to take any air. He almost lost the control of his body when he uncontrollably turned in his seat. He knew that playful expression that he kept was long gone after he heard those four words coming out of the mouth of the accused. 

The trial by combat.

For a moment he thought that his ears failed him but the reaction of the crowd told him that indeed the Imp requested a trial by combat. People started screaming stamping and whistling.  Some braver even left their seats behind the barriers trying to get closer to Tyrion. Tywin started screaming for guards to move their asses. 

But Oberyn didn't care about it.  

His mind went spiraling and his eyes turned left where Cersei was sitted. Her face was full of hatred and pain only a mother who had lost her son could feel yet there was something else there too. Something that with every second was becoming more and more visible. 

A perfect plan of revenge. 

He knew what it meant and he knew what she was going to say before she in fact did it. 

,,I choose ser Gregor Clegane to be my champion.'' She declared. It was only a whisper. Quiet like cold wind striking right in the Prince of Dorne's face. 

It was madness. Tyrion went mad Oberyn was sure. Trial by combat was worse than a public execution in his case. No one sane would stand up in his name against the Mountain and Tyrion would have to fight in his own name and die from Clegane's murderous hands rather than a clean executioners axe, as he had no chance. Oberyn believed that no one could compare against Mountain's strenght and reputation. 

No one but..?

Taking advantage of the opportunity Oberyn stood up from his chair and easily walked out of the whole proceeding. No one even noticed as the emotions haven't subsided yet. He cared little about the Imp and what was going to happen to him at first but now how the tables have turned.

When he got out he started walking fast. It always helped him with clearing his mind and making a plan. And he needed to make one right now. Wheels in his brain started working so swiftly he could swear that all around could hear it. 

Could he?

Or could he not?

With each step he took his heart was pounding faster and faster. His hands were wet and he thanked the gods if there were any that he took his favourite sphere from Sunspear. 

,,I know what you are planinng to do."

Oberyn almost tripped when he heard a deep soothing voice behind his back. He was so focused in his own thoughts he didn't even think about someone going after him or the consequences of leaving the trial early. Yet, he didin't feel any fear as he knew exactly who was standing behind his back. 

,,You do?"

He looked right into the sea green eyes of Vaenera Greyjoy. The girl had her usual cold expression on her face but there was something else too. Something like... pain? He shook his head. You surely must have been mistaken. 

,,I do.'' She took a few steps to get closer to him. ,,And that's why I am here to tell not to do this.''

Oberyn smiled. She had always fascinated him. Vaenera Greyjoy reminded him of a sand storms they often had in Dorne. Beautiful and misterious when you are watching from a distance yet dangerous if you find yourself near one. 

,,And how do you know what I want to do Princess?''

,,You want to volunteer for Tyrion to fight against the Mountain.''

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