4. I Can See You

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,,I know that this is not the way you wished to be proposed to but the circumstances weren't in our favor.''

Vaenera was doing everything not to look at the man sitting before her behind the desk. Her eyes were rested on his hands that were signing some kind of papers. And even though she had a million other things to deal with at this kind of moment all she could think about if that's how he looked when he decided to kill Robb and Catelyn at the Red Wedding.

She wondered if that was the place in which he decided that Grey Wind's head should be sown onto her best friend's body.

After yesterday's events when Vaenera got nearly arrested by Cersei she was escorted to her chambers and the guards were put outside of the door. She felt trapped like a rat and couldn't sleep for a whole night. She didn't even undress as no one had a permission to enter not even Este. In that condition found her Ser Meryn who without an further explanation told her that Tywin Lannister wants to see her.

So here she was.

Sitting before a man who was responsible for every pain and tragedy that happened in her life.

,,My grandson death was... an unfortunate one for sure. My daughter was out of her depth you surely understand that.''

Vaenera watched as he dipped the end of his pen in the ink. She was surprised he didn't use blood of his enemies to sign his letters.

There was silence. The Iron Princess cleared her throat not really trusting her own voice.

,,Our king suffered a terrible death. I am sure that the queen meant no offence.'' The words quickly spread from her mouth.

Maybe too quickly.

The pen Tywin Lannister was using stopped moving. Vaenera felt how the man looked at her.

,,Obviously she meant none.'' He said looking intensively at her.

There was a silence again but Vaenera had no intention of breaking it. She watched as the man came back to his work.

,,I am assuming you are aware of what happened to your brother? And what it means for you and all of us.'' Tywin said after a moment.

,,I heard rumors.'' The image of her twin brother appeared before her eyes. She quickly blinked not wanting to think about him.

,,Theon Greyjoy is unable to have children therefore that leaves you as the heir to the Iron Islands.''

Vaenera looked up at him.

What would he know about being an Iron Born?

They would never accept her as the heir. She wasn't raised in the Iron Islands and additionally she was a woman. The Iron Borns follow strength not some rules made up by the lords from other parts of the Seven Kingdoms.

,,My father named my sister an heir.'' The Iron Princess responded.

,,Your younger sister.'' The man turned his eyes to her and for the first time their looks meet.

Vaenera clenched her jaw but her face remained the same.

,,Twelve years ago when you father lost his rebellion King Robert took it on himself to find you a proper husband. He is no longer with us but the Crown continues it's existence. And it found you a spouse. My son.''

,,What if I say no?''

Tywin laughed at that.

,,Let me tell you something girl.'' Tywin Lannister stood up from his chair. He made a few steps and the next thing Vaenera knew was that her face was in his fingers. ,,My son is the heir to the greatest family in Westeros. By marrying him you will be a Lady of Casterly Rock and aunt of the King-''

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