3. Vigilante shit

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Oberyn couldn't help but to yawn as he looked at the ceiling of Saint Baelor's Sept.

Weddings like that often bored him and that one was no exeption. And by that weddings he meant an arranged ones. That were profitable for powerful families and used as pawns in a much bigger game. 

Even though the faith of the Seven was an official religion in Dorne only highborn lords took official wives during this kind of ceremony and even then they also perfomed the customary marriage practiced by the small folk. 

In Dorne marriage was for political gain only for the heirs of the richer houses. Regular people or seconds daughters and sons like himself viewed the marriage diffrently. It was the proof of unconditional love that lasts forever. The kind of love only few people know during their lives. Oberyn liked to think about it as the last and greatest commitment and proof of connection bigger than death herself. The commitment and connection he wasn't fortunate to have with someone yet. 

He looked at Ellaria who was standing by his side. She was looking at everything with astonishment just like he told her to do. 

She was known as his paramour all across the Seven Kingdoms but that was only the title people had given her to fit her into some kind of frame. She was one of his lifelong friends and the mother of almost all his daughters. And yet even thought he felt warm feelings towards her he had never loved her. Oberyn was sure of that because he saw that kind of love in his parents marriage and it wasn't the same with him and Ellaria. 

Prince of Dorne shook his head. He was being distracted again. Just like when he decided to enter the Flea Bottom. He needed to focus at his goal.

But some distance voice in him told him to check pockets in his robes so he did that. He smiled when he felt a familiar piece of cloth under his fingers. He raised his head and looked around. He was searching for the owner of the embroidery this whole morning but she wasn't present at the festivities. And now it also seemed that she was not going to show up. Tyrion with his wife Sansa were standing right infront of him and the Iron Princess wasn't with them. The Tyrells were also standing alone. Was it possible for her not be present at her cousin's wedding?

Oberyn kept naming her as Princess or simply her in his mind but he knew her name very well. 

Vaenera Greyjoy. 

He spend a whole day thinking about her. What that kind of highborn Lady was doing in Flea Bottom? Running from some mercenaries who called her a thief? Her father was in an open rebellion and he heard some whispers about Theon Greyjoy being imprisoned by the Boltons at Hand's command but the girl was raised by the Starks cousin of the future queen. It seemed that the Lannisters didn't imprison her but it still didn't explain what she was doing there. 

Prince of Dorne was old enough to know that everyone had their secrets even young ladies but Vaenera's seemed being much darker than everyone thought. 

He didn't realised that yet but he felt fascinated by this woman. 

Oberyn's musings were interrupted by people turning their backs at the door. The bride was late and it seemed to him that their young king was growing impatient. 

,,Who is that?'' He heard Ellaria's voice whispering into his ears. 

From the disappointed reaction of the people Oberyn could tell it wasn't Margaery Tyrell so he quickly looked at the direction of the door. 

He needed to blink a few times. Those hair and eyes he would recognise everywhere even though she looked nothing like that day in Flea Bottom. When he first met her she was wearing mismatched clothes and looked at him like pray looks at it's predator. He wasn't stupid or blind she was beautiful back then but now in that dark blue gown she truly looked deadly.

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