14. Academic Antics and Artful Assignments!

Start from the beginning

The pain and insecurities planted by her parents and siblings seemed like they never existed. Abhimanyu and Atharv made her feel important and special, healing the wounds of the past with their love and acceptance. The Birla household became a sanctuary where Akshara found not only love but also the courage to be herself without reservations.

The carefree self which she once put up as a defense mechanism to provoke reactions from her parents now came very naturally to her, with the assurance that she would be taken care of by her husband. The playful banter and laughter echoed in the walls of their home, a stark contrast to the somber notes of her past. Akshara embraced the freedom to be authentic, and in doing so, she discovered the true joy of belonging to a family that cherished her for who she was.

In college, she resumed being her usual chirpy self. Much to everyone's pleasure, she managed to get into trouble with her husband, aka Professor Birla, a million times. Each time, her antics ended up with extra assignments as punishment or her being asked to step out of the class. Abhimanyu never gave her any leeway. He continued to be the strict professor he has always been. Despite the disciplinary actions, their interactions in the academic setting added a touch of humor and liveliness to the college atmosphere, atleast for her.

However, for all the students, Abhimanyu ended up looking like a ten times stricter version of Hitler because when it came to her, Abhimanyu dished out even more punishments. The unique dynamic between them became a source of amusement and gossip among the students, making their college experience unusually memorable.

On a tranquil Saturday evening, Akshara found herself seated in the lush expanse of the lawn, surrounded by the serenity of nature. However, the peace was disrupted by the stack of assignments before her, a formidable challenge that seemed to mock her efforts. Frustration crept in as she grappled with the complexities of the task at hand.

Glancing around, she couldn't help but mutter a few choice words under her breath about her seemingly absent husband. Abhimanyu, her supposed academic ally, was nowhere to be found when she needed assistance the most. She playfully labeled him a "Useless Moron" in her mind, a term she'd likely never utter in his presence.

Despite the temptation to abandon the tedious assignment, Akshara couldn't bring herself to do it. The memory of past consequences played like a reel in her mind, a stark reminder of the price she paid when she tried to evade academic responsibilities.

Akshara found herself in a tight spot when she chose to bypass an assignment, thinking she could escape the consequences. Abhimanyu, unaware of her omission, had the habit of randomly checking assignments during class.

One day, in the midst of the lecture, he announced, "Today, let's go through the recent assignment. I hope everyone has completed it."

Akshara's heart sank as the realization hit her. She hadn't prepared for this, and her attempt to skip the assignment suddenly loomed over her like a dark cloud.

Abhimanyu noticed Akshara's discomfort but decided to proceed. "Let's start with Ms. Oberoi. Please share your insights on the assignment."

Akshara, caught off guard, stammered, "Well, you see, I thought it was a bit too complicated, and I..."

Abhimanyu's stern gaze silenced her excuses. " You thought?... Seriously, You thought Ms. Oberoi?"

The weight of his disappointment hung in the air as Akshara fumbled for words. She knew she was in deep water, and every attempt to rationalize her actions only seemed to dig her into a deeper hole.

Abhimanyu, not one to let such moments pass lightly, continued, "As an aspiring professional, 'thinking' shouldn't be the limit of your efforts. It's about understanding, analyzing, and overcoming challenges. Your job is not just to find it complicated but to find ways to unravel that complexity."

The classroom, usually filled with a buzz of discussion, now sat in a pregnant silence, everyone keenly aware of the unraveling drama. Akshara wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole. She just hated her very existence and decided to take revenge on her husband at home.

Abhimanyu, still holding her gaze, delivered the verdict. "Considering your lack of preparation, Akshara, you'll be tasked with an additional assignment on the same topic. I hope this serves as a reminder to take your academic responsibilities seriously."

The embarrassment was palpable as Akshara nodded, chastened by the consequences of her actions. Abhimanyu, ever the disciplinarian, returned to the lecture, leaving Akshara to contemplate the importance of being proactive in her academic pursuits.

Before dismissing the class, Abhimanyu couldn't resist a touch of sarcasm. "Now, I hope all of you have a clear understanding of what 'thinking' entails. It's not just a hypothetical exercise; it's a skill. Don't worry; for those who find it a bit too complicated, I'm here to guide you through the intricacies of the thought process."

His eyes lingered on Akshara for a moment longer than the others, and with a wry smile, he added, "And for those who believe in the power of 'thinking,' I expect nothing less than brilliance in your assignments."

The classroom erupted in a mixture of laughter and nervous chuckles. Abhimanyu, satisfied with his point made, concluded the class, leaving behind an enlightened (and slightly intimidated) group of students.

Akshara gathered her belongings, her face flushed with a mixture of humiliation and irritation. She detested the idea of being the center of attention for her husband's sarcasm.

Once outside the classroom, she shot Abhimanyu a glare, muttering under her breath, "You'll pay for this at home, Professor Birla. Just you wait."

Abhimanyu, maintaining his composed demeanor, raised an eyebrow, challenging her without uttering a word. The playful banter between husband and wife continued, even within the walls of the college, adding an extra layer of entertainment for the students who were quick to pick up on their dynamic.

Akshara chuckled to herself as she remembered the incident.

Lots of Love

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