14. Academic Antics and Artful Assignments!

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After changing into warm, cozy clothes, the Birlas descended the staircase, greeted by the inviting aroma of hot herbal soup meticulously prepared by the chef. The moment was a welcome retreat from the chill outside, and as they approached the dining table, the promise of warmth beckoned them.

Akshara and Atharv, initially skeptical about the herbal concoction, exchanged amused glances but decided to forgo their usual cringing and complaints. This time, there was a shift in their response—a testament to the surprises Abhimanyu had up his sleeve.

As Akshara and Atharv settled around the dining table, exchanging skeptical glances at the steaming bowls of herbal soup placed before them, Abhimanyu couldn't help but suppress a smile. He had, after all, orchestrated a small victory in curbing their usual tantrums. The mischievous glint in his eyes betrayed the satisfaction of having surprised them.

Abhimanyu bit back his smile, observing the playful resistance on their faces. It wasn't just about the herbal soup; it was about embracing the unexpected, even if it came in the form of a seemingly mundane dinner choice. The subtle victory in their altered response became a shared secret, adding another layer to the intricate dance of family dynamics in the Birla household.

Akshara, eyeing the soup with mock suspicion, commented, "Well, this is a new twist. Are you experimenting on us, Chef Birla?"

Abhimanyu chuckled and decided to converse in English as his wife wanted "Oh, absolutely. I thought we could use some excitement in our lives, and what better way than herbal soup?"

Atharv, with an exaggerated sigh, added, "Baba, I thought you were supposed to be the cool professor, not the sneaky chef."

Akshara laughed out at the remark of "Cool" Professor but Abhimanyu ignored her laugh and raised an eyebrow, "Oh, I'm both, my dear. And as for sneakiness, I learned from the best—your Akshu."

Akshara, feigning innocence, replied, "Me? I have no idea what you're talking about, Professor Birla. I'm the epitome of honesty and straightforwardness."

Abhimanyu rolled his eyes " Yeah right! And I am the president of America"

Atharv, catching on to the banter, grinned, "Yeah, Baba, you should take lessons from Akshu. She's a pro at being... what's the word? Sneaky!"

The dinner table resonated with laughter and light banter as the Birlas savored their herbal soup, turning a seemingly ordinary evening into a delightful chapter of their family chronicles.

The next morning unfolded with an abundance of joy for the Birla family. As the moments of the previous night replayed in their minds, their faces radiated happiness and peace. The warmth of shared laughter, the soothing music, and the impromptu dance in the rain lingered in their hearts, creating a beautiful tapestry of cherished memories. The day ahead seemed to carry the promise of more love, laughter, and shared moments as they embraced the simple yet profound joys of their family bond.

They resumed their usual routines, banter and smiles intact on their faces. Abhimanyu, following his Tuesday schedule, headed to the office instead of the college. Not before warning them to drive safely, he left for work, leaving the house filled with a sense of normalcy and routine, albeit with an added layer of warmth from the events of the previous night.

As months passed, everything settled into its routine. Akshara seamlessly integrated into the family in the most beautiful way possible. The initial apprehensions she had during their long-distance phase seemed like distant memories. This journey had been remarkably smooth for her, and she attributed it all to the unwavering support of her husband and the warmth of her child. The bond they shared became a source of strength that made every challenge feel conquerable.

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