10. His Standards?!

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Abhimanyu observed Akshara's anxious demeanor but refrained from pressing her further, allowing her the space to deal with her internal turmoil. However, he couldn't ignore the subtle shift in her behavior. Throughout their nearly two years of relationship, he had grown accustomed to her carefree attitude towards studies and assignments. Her million complaints about academics were practically a background score to their journey.

Yet, something had changed. This newfound seriousness about an assignment intrigued him. Akshara had always possessed a natural talent for grasping business concepts effortlessly. Despite her laid-back approach and tendency to stroll lazily through her previous college, she managed to secure an impressive 9 CGPA. The only reason she found herself in this demanding academic environment was that innate brilliance. Her lack of interest in garnering top grades stemmed from a belief that she could navigate life just fine without them.

The puzzle of her sudden concern over this particular assignment lingered in Abhimanyu's mind. Was it a shift in perspective, a newfound interest, or perhaps a subtle change in priorities? He couldn't pinpoint the cause, but he sensed that there was more to Akshara's current anxiety than met the eye.

Akshara prayed hard because she really wanted a good score on her assignment. Not because she loved the subject, but she didn't want to let Abhimanyu down. Seeing any disappointment in his eyes was something she couldn't bear. More than the grade itself, she feared Abhimanyu thinking less of her. Their relationship meant a lot to her, and she was determined to do her best not just for herself but to keep his respect and admiration.

As Akshara arrived at her destination, the point where she needed to step out and make her way to college, Abhimanyu halted the car.

Gazing at his visibly tense wife, he sighed. Speaking softly, he said, "Akshara."

Turning to him, she met his eyes. Abhimanyu leaned in, placing an affectionate kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger for a moment.

With a reassuring tone, he pulled back, "Best of luck. Jo bhi ho, we will handle it, okay? Don't stress, baby."

He gently eased out the frown on her face with his fingers, asking, "You gave your best shot, right?"

Akshara nodded, and Abhimanyu added, "That's enough. Remember, your worth is not defined by a single assignment. I believe in you, and so should you. No matter what, we're in this together."

He joined their foreheads "Hmm?"

Akshara couldn't help a smile on her face.

Abhimanyu, with a tender smile, whispered, "Akshara, you're not alone in this. Remember, success or failure, we face it together. I've seen your capabilities, and this assignment is just a small part of your journey. Don't let it define you."

As he leaned in for another gentle kiss on her forehead, he murmured, "I'm proud of you, regardless of the outcome. Your effort matters more than the result. And always remember, I'm here to support you, in every challenge, big or small."

Akshara looked into Abhimanyu's eyes, her anxiety softening. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice sincere. "I needed that. No matter what happens, having you by my side makes it a bit easier. I'll give my best."

Abhimanyu's smile widened, pride evident in his eyes - That's like my girl.

Akshara's heart swelled with warmth. The man sitting in front of her was a god-sent angel, and she knew she would treasure him for a lifetime.

To lighten up the moment, she added with a playful grin "Now that you are in a good mood, Professor Birla, Can you cut me some slack if my assignment is not up to your standards?"

Abhimanyu raised his eyebrows "I will see you in class, Ms. Oberoi. I hate latecomers. Be on time. Now Shoo!"

Akshara laughed and got down. she took a deep breath, ready to confront the challenges that awaited her in the college.

The corridors of the college seemed to echo with hushed whispers as the news of the impending evaluations spread. Students exchanged nervous glances, speculating about what might transpire during the interactions with Professor Birla.

As the time for Akshara's turn approached, she couldn't help but feel a knot tightening in her stomach. All the faces which came out held nothing but sadness. She hoped she didn't have the same fate. The realization that she might have disappointed not just any professor but her husband gnawed at her.

Entering Professor Birla's cabin, Akshara found him immersed in a stack of assignments. The room, known for its imposing aura, felt even more daunting today. Abhimanyu looked up, his expression unreadable. Gone was the man she knew; this was Professor Abhimanyu Birla, known for his unyielding commitment to academic excellence.

Abhimanyu: "Ms. Oberoi, have a seat."

As she settled into the chair, Abhimanyu began reviewing her assignment with a critical eye. The silence in the room was palpable, broken only by the shuffling of papers and the occasional creak of the chair. Akshara's nerves were on edge as she awaited his judgment. Akshara stole glances at his face, trying to decipher his thoughts but in vain.

Abhimanyu meticulously went through the assignment, his critical gaze fixed on each detail. As he looked up, he had to remind himself that the person sitting in front of him was not just his wife but also his student, and he had to deliver an unbiased judgment. The lines between personal and professional blurred momentarily, but he steadied himself to provide fair and constructive feedback.

Abhimanyu: "Ms. Oberoi, your work displays potential, but it doesn't meet the standards I expect from my students. It lacks depth and a rigorous analysis."

Akshara's heart sank. Disappointment was evident on her face, but she nodded, acknowledging the feedback.

Abhimanyu: "Academic excellence demands discipline and a commitment to thorough research. If you want to succeed in my class, you must adhere to these standards. Consider this a chance to refine your skills."

Akshara, despite the sinking feeling in her chest, maintained her composure before nodding and leaving his cabin.

As Akshara left the cabin, Abhimanyu couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for delivering such stern feedback. He knew Akshara's potential, and he hoped she would rise to the occasion. Deep down, he wished he could have praised her, but his commitment to maintaining high academic standards held him back.

Lots of Love

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