Chapter IV: Thrawn

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Date: 01.12.2315
Location: National Council Committee, Seoul, Kingdom of Korea

???'s POV

"We are at a crossroads," I began the session with a steady voice yet filled with urgency about the situation at hand.

"The Separatists have declared themselves a new empire, and they seek to tear our unified world apart. We must decide how to respond."

My fellow royal highnesses began to whisper to one another, the advisors had no idea what to do as nobody expected Sister Soojin and her Vampire followers to secede from our kingdoms. 

Stepping up is Empress Nakamura Kazuha of the Empire of Japan. "Should we not attempt to negotiate here? Rather than resorting to bloodshed?". 

"I'm afraid that option has been exhausted and failed," Queen Elizabeth Windsor III of the British Empire chimed in before deeply sighing.

"I will have to agree, Soojin and her rebels have made it clear that they will not stop until they have achieved their own twisted vision of power." Queen Anna Majae of the Kingdom of Denmark agreed and I nodded.

"I understand this situation seems grim, but I have known Soojin ever since we were kids, I will talk to her and see if we can come to a compromise until the situation of slavery is resolved," I promised but they didn't seem so convinced.

"If that is the case, why secede from our kingdoms? From my point of view, Soojin is an insurgent and her rebels must be put down. My nation has faced rebellion once and we ended up in a four-year-long civil war and this is no different." President Olivia Margaret of America.

"Our kingdoms are founded against slavery of mankind, unlike our ancestors, and we will not tolerate slavery in our lands, and those who defy our laws will face the consequences," Empress Zhao Xiaoting of the Empire of China butted in.  

"Which is precisely why Soojin must be dealt with the most severe penalties. Or is it that you are protecting her, your highness?" Kazuha pointed out and I clenched my fists.

Suddenly, the crowd erupted into chaos, loud chatter echoed throughout the chamber, and I was left helpless as I couldn't bring order to the chaos.

"Order! We shall order!" The bailiff shouted before pounding the gavel to gain everyone's attention.

With the Queen's now under control, they all felt the pressure on their shoulders as they decided whether or not they shall go to war. But it didn't help that they were starting to lose confidence in myself.

"With all due respect, Lady Lee Chaerin, but if you refuse to put your foot down against these rebels. I see no confidence in your leadership here in this council," Elizabeth sternly explained and the others nodded.

Chatter sparked throughout the chamber once more, some disagreeing but the rest agreeing with her suggestion. They decided to hold a vote and inevitably I was voted out of the Grand Council and my kingdom's royal highness.

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