Chapter II: Welcome to Yamato

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Date: 04.05.2567
Location: Tokyo Harbor, Empire of Japan


After nearly a week of waiting to be transferred, I was finally given the word to pack my things and prepare to leave the barracks. It was sad saying goodbye to my comrades but I figured we'd see each other again someday.

"Well, it was good serving with you, Y/N, I hope we get assigned to the same ship someday," Yuta said before shaking hands.

"I hope the same, see ya around then," He bid him goodbye and gave me a casual salute before boarding the bus.

Taking a deep breath, I board the bus behind me that takes me to the airfield where a C-130 will fly me over to Tokyo and from there drive over to the heart of the Japanese Fleet, Tokyo Harbor.

After more than ten hours of flying and driving, I finally arrived at the harbor, at first glance, I was awestruck at the sheer mass of the lagoon and ports. 

There were numerous ships consisting of a few light aircraft carriers, destroyers, cruisers, you name it. But you cannot go into a port or corridor without bumping into a Vampire sister who are typically the officers and the higher-ups.

"Good morning, ma'am," I greeted and stood at attention giving her a salute.

"Good morning, are you new here? I'd never seen you before," The Vampire officer asked and I nodded.

"Yes, ma'am, Seaman Hirai Y/N of the IJN Yamato," I reported and she nodded.

"I see, quite an honorable assignment to the super dreadnought and pride of the Japanese Fleet, any will feel privileged to serve on such a vessel," She explained.

"Thank you, ma'am," I thanked her and she warmly smiled.

"Best go on your way because trust me, Vice Admiral Miyawaki doesn't like her sailors failing to report on time," She advised and I thanked her.

Making my way to the IJN Yamato's port, I was stunned by the size of the battleship, floating on the water, standing tall with the armaments of its three 19-inch guns that can rip into her enemy's hull and deck.

At the port, many other sailors were gathering there waiting to report in formation so I joined them.

"May I have your name, Sailor?" The checkpoint officer stopped me.

"Seaman, Hirai Y/N," I answered.

"What is your rate?" He asked.

"Radioman 3rd Class," I answered and he nodded.

Scanning my military ID card, he unlocked the gate and I thanked him before passing through, and joining the rest of the crew.

Feeling nervous and anxious working with new people, I have my luggage and bags carrying all my clothes, uniform, and necessities. I have no idea or clue what's going to happen next.

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