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first of all, i want to thank each and everyone of you that have interacted with this book in any form. reading through the few comments, seeing votes trickle in from time to time, and knowing that my stories were being read has really made me enjoy writing for you. i will forever appreciate all the support and kind words.

i started writing these stories as a way to procrastinate my school assignments and they really were nothing but a hobby. i never intended/intend to make a career out of writing so having you all follow along my stupid ideas is so special. now it's been a couple years but i think i've reached a point where i lost the motivation and passion for this book. with that being said, i will be marking this book as complete and closing out this era of writing.

this is not the end of my writing journey! i have been working on some other concepts for books (original works) that i'm considering posting on here once they're ready. if anyone is interested in those, feel free to comment/message and i'll let you know what they're about and what tropes you might find in each of them!

thank you all again from the bottom of my heart. i wish all of you the best.

- em

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