Chapter 24.

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Chapter 24 (Unedited)
The first month of the five-month project had dragged on, each day feeling like an eternity. I found myself in an unimaginable predicament, forced to work alongside Amelia—Amelia, the woman who had torn my world apart with her cold-blooded actions.

Each morning, as I walked into my office, a sense of dread would wash over me, knowing that I'd have to see her face, hear her voice, and, worst of all, remember what she had done.

We maintained a façade of professionalism during our meetings, but beneath the surface, tension simmered like a volcano on the brink of eruption. Amelia showed no remorse, no sign of guilt, as if the past was a mere blip in her memory.

But for me, it was a gaping wound that refused to heal.

Amelia wasn't alone, though. There was someone else, a constant presence by her side—Greg. I couldn't help but notice him, the way he seemed to hover around her like a protective shadow. It was only natural for me to wonder about his role in her life.

One afternoon, as we wrapped up a particularly contentious meeting, I seized the opportunity to subtly inquire about him. "Amelia," I began, my voice carefully measured, "I've noticed Greg is always with you. Is he your personal assistant?"

Amelia's expression remained unreadable for a moment, and then she offered a small, almost amused smile. "No, Aaron," she replied, her voice holding a hint of satisfaction. "Greg is not my assistant. He's my boyfriend."


The word hit me like a sledgehammer. My mind reeled as I processed the information. Amelia had moved on, found someone new to share her life with, while I remained trapped in the past, haunted by the memories of that horrific day.

I forced a polite smile, though I felt anything but polite. "Ah, I see. Congratulations," I managed to mutter, my voice strained.

Amelia's smile widened, and there was a glint in her eyes, as if she relished my discomfort. "Thank you, Aaron," she replied, her tone dripping with insincerity. "We're actually planning to get engaged soon."


The word echoed in my mind like a cruel taunt. It was as if life itself were mocking me, reminding me of the love Amelia had once professed for me, a love that had turned to betrayal and murder.

I nodded, my mind racing, and quickly ended the conversation. As Amelia and Greg left my office, the door closing behind them, I was left alone with my thoughts—a tumultuous sea of anger, confusion, and bitter resentment.

How could she move on so easily, as if the past meant nothing?

In the days that followed, the presence of Amelia's boyfriend became a constant reminder of the life she had chosen to lead, while I remained imprisoned by the past. The dynamics of our meetings shifted subtly, with Greg's silent but palpable support for Amelia.

It was infuriating to see her so comfortable, as if she had no remorse for her actions.

I couldn't help but wonder about Greg, the man who had captured Amelia's heart. Was he aware of her dark past? Did he know the truth about what had happened between us, about the murder of my brother and father?

The questions gnawed at me, eating away at my sanity as I struggled to maintain my composure. I knew that I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me, not in front of Amelia and certainly not in front of Greg.

As the weeks passed, I found myself consumed by a growing obsession—a need to uncover the truth, to dig deeper into Greg's knowledge of Amelia's past. If I could find even a shred of evidence that he was aware of her crimes, it might provide some semblance of justice, some vindication for the pain she had caused me.

But the deeper I delved into my investigation, the more elusive the answers became. Greg was a enigmatic figure, and Amelia guarded her secrets with a determination that bordered on paranoia.

It was a dangerous game, one that could expose the wounds of the past and reopen them with a vengeance.

With each passing day, the tension between us grew, and the countdown to the project's end seemed agonizingly slow. Amelia's impending engagement to Greg loomed like a storm on the horizon, threatening to unleash a tempest of emotions and revelations that I was not prepared to face.

As the days turned into weeks, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to confront Amelia and force her to reckon with the past—to make her understand the pain she had caused and the darkness she had unleashed.

But for now, I remained trapped in a surreal world of business deals and betrayals, forced to endure the presence of the woman who had shattered my life and the man who had become her unwitting accomplice. The future was uncertain, and the past refused to stay buried, leaving me on the precipice of a cliffhanger that threatened to plunge me into the abyss of my own emotions.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the city skyline and cast long shadows in my office, Greg approached me. The tension in the room was palpable, and for the first time, he spoke to me directly.

"Mr. Costello," Greg began, his voice measured and controlled, "I know you have questions about Amelia's past."

I met his gaze, my curiosity piqued. "What do you know about it?"

A wry smile tugged at the corners of Greg's lips, and his eyes held a hint of something I couldn't quite decipher. "I know more than you might think," he replied cryptically.

My heart raced as a thousand possibilities swirled through my mind.

"What are you trying to say?" I demanded, unable to contain my frustration any longer.
Greg leaned in closer, his voice a whisper. "I suggest you be careful, Mr. Costello. Some secrets are best left buried. But if you insist on digging, you might not like what you uncover."


Today's Question.
In light of Greg's cryptic warning, what do you think lies beneath the surface of Amelia's past?

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