Chapter 23.

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CHAPTER 23. (Unedited)

I sat behind my imposing mahogany desk, fingers steepled, as I contemplated the arrival of Kassie Robinson and her team. Eight long years had passed since that fateful day when my world had come crashing down. Eight years since I had watched, helpless and in shock, as Amelia, the woman I had once loved, killed my own brother, Ric, and confessed to the murder of our father.

Memories of that day still haunted me, etched in my mind like scars that refused to heal.
The sun had cast long shadows across the garden, as Ric and I stood locked in a bitter argument about our father's death. Ric's relentless accusations against Amelia had driven a wedge between us.

"You're blinded by your infatuation, Aaron," Ric had sneered, his voice heavy with disdain.And then, the unthinkable happened.

Amelia had appeared, her demeanor unnervingly calm. She locked eyes with me, her gaze unwavering, as she drew a small, gleaming blade from her sleeve and plunged it into Ric's chest. A sinister smile had played on her lips as Ric's life slowly ebbed away, and she had confessed to the heinous act without a trace of remorse.

"Your father, Ric, he got what he deserved."

That scene had replayed itself in my mind countless times, a never-ending nightmare.

The door swung open, and Kassie Robinson entered, her presence as commanding as ever. I had always been struck by her beauty, a deceptive façade concealing the darkness that lay beneath. She was accompanied by a group of impeccably dressed associates, all equally composed.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Costello," Kassie greeted me with a polite nod. Her eyes locked onto mine, and for a fleeting moment, I saw something inscrutable in her gaze before it vanished behind her practiced professionalism.

"Ms. Robinson," I replied, my voice carefully neutral, though my heart raced beneath my composed exterior.

My mind couldn't help but drift back to the love we had once shared, a love that had been shattered by her own hands.

Kassie and her team took their seats on the other side of my desk, and the negotiations began. We discussed numbers, terms, and timelines, but my thoughts remained elsewhere. I observed her closely, searching for any sign of guilt or remorse in her eyes, but found none.

Did she truly feel nothing?

As the meeting progressed, my thoughts inevitably returned to that harrowing day—the day I had lost both my brother and the woman I had loved. I couldn't help but wonder why Kassie had chosen to reenter my life now, after all these years.
So, Mr. Costello, I believe we've covered everything," Kassie said, her voice breaking through my reverie.

I nodded, snapping back to the present.

"Indeed, Ms. Robinson. I will have my legal team draft the contracts, and we can proceed from there."

Kassie rose from her chair, her associates following suit. She extended her hand, and for a moment, I hesitated before shaking it. Our eyes locked once more, and this time, I detected a flicker of something, a hint of vulnerability, before it vanished behind her composed exterior.

What secrets did she still hold?

As Kassie and her team exited my office, a lingering feeling gnawed at me—a sense that the past was far from buried. The wounds Amelia's actions had inflicted still festered, and I was determined to uncover the truth, regardless of the cost.

As the door closed behind Kassie and her team, leaving me alone in my office, I couldn't shake the feeling that our reunion was just the beginning of a storm. The scars from the past had not healed, and Amelia's secrets still loomed in the shadows.

I knew one thing for certain: I wouldn't rest until I unearthed the truth about that fateful day. The love we had shared, tainted by betrayal and murder, had left an indelible mark on my soul. And as I gazed out at the cityscape beyond my window, I couldn't help but wonder what other secrets lay hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be revealed.

Little did I know that the answers I sought were closer than I could have ever imagined, and the truth would come crashing down on me like a relentless tempest, threatening to shatter everything I held dear.


Hey there, party people! Guess who's crawling out of the academic dungeon at a whopping 19 years old, with one year of college down the rabbit hole? Yep, it's me! 🙋‍♂️ Those two years since my last storytelling spree were basically a rollercoaster of college applications 📄, late-night cram sessions 🌙, and enough engineering headaches to make a robot weep. But worry not, because I've sworn on my last exam paper that I'll finish this tale before I hit the big two-oh! 🎉🎓

Picture this: life as an engineering student is like trying to balance flaming marshmallows while riding a pogo stick on a tightrope over a pit of chocolate syrup! 😂 But here I am, all fired up and ready to inject some humor 🤣, sprinkle in some words even your grandma can understand 👵, and add a heap of youthful zest that even college couldn't extinguish. So, I've got my trusty coffee ☕, a pile of snacks 🍕, and a determination as fierce as a squirrel guarding its acorns. Tick-tock, time's a-ticking ⏰, and who knows, my engineering know-how might just sneak its way into this story. Let the epic storytelling shenanigans commence, and let's inch closer to that fabulous age of twenty! 🚀📖

Thank you for being patient guys!

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