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He was Taehyung, The Kim Taehyung?

"What ?? Are you making it up sir?" He laughed with his hands still inside his pocket. My heart set ablaze. How can a man have such a beautiful laugh??

His eyes shitting a little and his smile curved like a rectangle. I swear I had never imagine a guy look this handsome and ethereal.

I gulped and he said, "Mia cara I think you're a Park Jimin fan too. Yes, I ain't joking my name really is Kim Taehyung." My eyes went wide. "Do you know Park Jimin too???"

Nothing could excite me like Park Jimin and his ultimate series of Cold psycho hubby.

"Yes. May I know you're name Ms....?" He paused at the end for me to finish with my name.

I blushed and looked away. I can't tell him my name. He bent forward to match my height and came dangerously close to my face. "Please?" He looked straight into my eyes.

"It's Y/N" His eyes went wide and he looked away regaining his posture and coughing. "What a coincidence." His deep hushed voice made my toes curl.

I nodded and continued, "Are you getting a dorm too?" I asked to change the topic but he seems to be still lost.

Honestly, this situation really is a bit wierd. Him, named Kim Taehyung, me, named Y/N, in the same Kim mansion. I shook my head and patted his shoulder.

But the moment I touched his shoulder to make him look at me, a wave of electricity made me flinch back. It seems he felt it too and his shoulder flinched back.

He seem a little taken aback for a while but soon he laughed again. Oh god bless this man, his laugh again did wonders to every corner and piece of me.

"You are so fucking electric." I blushed and looked away while he laughed even harder. "I am sorry were you saying something earlier?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yes, are you getting a dorm too or...." He smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm getting a dorm too." She nodded and said, "let's head together why don't we?" He smiled. "We should "

Both of us took our path to the dormentary. "So... which book made you a Park Jimin fan?" I asked and he gave a shy smile before looking above with dreamy eyes.

"The cold psycho hubby. " my eyes lit up. "Really ???!!" I exclaimed a little to excited but i don't care.

"That book is my life. My everything I almost read it once a week for sure. I can never get enough." He said and i hummed along. "That book is a saviour for me. I feel safe and complete at Taehyung's name." He looked at me and realised a little too let i meant 'The Taehyung'.

"Indeed,'Y/N' makes me complete and safe ." We walked together to the dorms silent after that. Looking at the interiors. They were just like how Park Jimin wrote them.

We saw the dorm lady behind desk soon enough. "Hello Ma'am may we get a little help?" She looked up from her glasses and I realised she's reading Cold psycho hubby too.

"Ofcourse children. New admission?" We nodded together.

"Are you both a couple?" She asked and we looked each and blushed.

"No ma'am ." I politely refused.

She kept the book aside and smiled at us. "Can I have your names ?" She asked with a motherly tone and we smiled back.

"I'm Kim Taehyung and she's Ms. Y/N." He said in his cold and rough tone that made me shiver.

Why did my name not sound right? As if something was wrong with my name.

Her soft aura suddenly flipped. Her smile faded and the book went down with a thud. Her pale face said it all she was too stunned. I mean yeah as a Cold psycho hubby reader it was a big things.

"Wowww!!!" She squealed and we both rather laughed. "You aren't joking right?" Her face was too cute and flabbergasted.

We giggled and nodded. "Woahhhhh!!! Anyways let me show you both your room." She said my breath hitched. Taehyung seems to be frozen too.

"Together?" She nodded and I looked away. Why does this feels so right??

"Is that a problem??" she asked. A little concern for making us feel uncomfortable or not. Whereas her earlier shock seems a bit tamed.

I looked at Taehyung and he passed me a smile. My poor heart on fire but a smile pulled up in my lips, the most genuine smile I had ever pulled .

"No problem miss." She smiled back as if she met her favourite Disney character. Here, come with me.

We walked behind her. Apparently ours was a bit far from the rest. A hall down to right and then a room with an oddly different painted door.

It wasn't basic, it was rather black with golden strips arched and embedded in the wood with pure and raw perfection, the orginal colour of the Kim mansion.

My heart swelled. Is it-?

"I know you must be confused but this is the only room left. I can feel you both are huge Cold psycho hubby lovers. You'll end up thanking me on your knees after you see your dorm." She had sparkle in her eyes as if she was a teen, whereas she might be in her 60's or something.

She twisted the key and my heartbeat increased. A gasp left out of Taehyung's and mine mouth when we realised, it was 'The' Kim Taehyung's house office.

A sharp pain shot across my head and I stumbled back. A shocked 'Oh' left from the dorm keeper but she screamed later alerting me. I looked in panic for whatever that made her scream.

That's when I saw, Taehyung was already passed out on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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