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She flutters her pear like eyes open. The blue hue in those orbs resembles the colour of her mother's eyes. The wrinkle around those of her mother shows the years of pain and misery she lived in and the scariest part is, the legacy would be left behind for Y/N to go through too.

House abuse, sounds like something way common for someone to attract. But that's the case, it doesn't attract attention.

Choi family comes from a long descendants of preachers of peace and harmony. Until, the last male heir, Choi Jae-jun was born.

He was different among the well know and reputed Choi. He never was punctual, always arrogant and bossy. Spoiled and brat were his other names.

The family wanted to preserve their fame so Choi Hae-jyeong, father of Jae-jun decided to hand over his buisness and property to him on a condition.

It said that the buisness and all the property that are under Choi would be hand overed to him only if he allows the family lawyer and the decent of his to take a look at the work.

As long as Jae-jun would work, he'd have the money and power. Unfortunately, Jae-jun had been the topper and the brightest kid in the family. It was easy for him to handle the buisness through his tactics and ideas.

Everything was stable until he saw her. The women he was later to be obsessed with. The prettiest he had ever laid eyes on, Y/N's mother.

Apparently Y/N's mother was the most beautiful women Jae-jun ever laid his eyes on. The brown eyes made her look like an angel while she had the pale glass skin by her mother's side.

Jae-jun did every possible try to woo her. He was caring, loving, calm and collected. Until, they got married, she was alright with this relationship.

She never wanted to marry. It was possible due to some heart break. Y/N or Jae-jun never got to know about it.

Gradually after their marriage, Jae-jun became abusive and impulsive. He would leash out on her or pound her at every chance he got. Later, she got to know Jae-jun was an Anti-social personality disorder patient.

In other words he was a psychopath. She always had thought that she could handle a guy with a mental illness but Jae-jun was different.

The abuse slowly escalated to torture and ended up loosing her will. Their was a difference between a psychopath who loves you and a one that don't.

Jae-jun was blinded by lust, not love. The torture continued until she became pregnant. He treasured her like a purple pearl.

She got the hope maybe this would change him. On the ninth month she gave birth. The child was a girl, this angered Jae-jun.

At the darkness of the night he came to kill the newborn girl but couldn't as Y/N's mother begged him to not to.

Jae-jun let her keep the baby but this ended up her to get broken ribs without any treatment.

Fractures and sprains became normal in her life but her only hope was Y/N.

She used to tell Y/N the great love story of the Kim's. Everytime when Y/N would ask about them she would breifly tell about the story.

Y/N would often ask her mother about the reason why she still accepts her father's beating. All the poor woman said was 'maybe I deserved this.'

Y/N's mother was diagnosed with cancer when she was 16. Currently, she is on the death bed.


"Yes my dear daughter?"

"You won't leave me alone in this hell right?"

"Sadly I would."

"Why do we have to suffer mom? Why did you suffer?"

"I suffered because of my past. Of the mistakes I did, promise me, you'd support your fate. You'd do what's right. You'd do what you want."

"I always will mom."

"Promise me Y/N you'll escape. I couldn't but you will."

"I will mom. I will escape."

She looks at her mother fluttering her eyes. "Mom!! No! I can't do this alone."

She pats her mother's cheek with tears glistening her skin. "Remember the days when we dreamt of us living on a beach?? Peacefully living our lives?? We have to fullfill our wants together!! We will escape together!! Mom!! Mo-mom?"

Her mother's body went stiff. Her hands turning cold inside Y/N's hands. Y/N looked at her mother with a nonchalant look.

She was done for. Her mother's soul couldn't take more. She failed. Y/N wiped her cheeks.

"I won't let your sacrifices go to waste. I'd win mom."

That's when the door bursts open. "So the whore died?"

Y/N looks at her moron of a father. "She did. As you wished, dad."

He tsked. "Aaa a word like dad doesn't sound right from a pretty mouth like yours." He came closer and scrunch down on his knee to lift Y/N's face.

"It would look better with my cock shoved inside it." She shook her head. "I know you don't love me dad. But I am your daughter!!"

He laughs. "Ofcourse I love you, slut." He gave a rough and tight slap across my face. The force almost made my neck snap.

"Would you like to follow your mother's fate? Or want to live upstairs? In the real world."

The pathetic liar here had kept his beautiful wife locked up in the basement her whole life. It really means HER WHOLE DAMN LIFE!! With Y/N along her.

She knew it was the only way to escape this jail. Y/N looked at her filthy father and bit her lip.

She let her head fall down staring at the ground. Her saniy oozing on the ground. She could bury herself alive if she could.

She holds the hem of her dress and gave a one last look at her mother. She shut her eyes tightly and mouthed a 'sorry mother'.

Her naked body was infront of Jae-jun. He smirked and clicked his Rolex open. He threw his watch somewhere and grab her waist. He force his lips to mould with her.

She just stood there with no expression and action. She must loose all to win. To leave, away from this monster. To give her mother justice and get this man arrested.

In order to give her mother's soul peace she must seek revenge. 

He forced himself on her that day. He pounded himself inside his daughter. The son of a well known buisnessman and the grandson of the most important priest of the city, Jae-jun, raped his own daughter.

Two weeks passed by just like that, him and her. His pleasure, her pain and misery. Until.....

She finally escapes...

Reincarnated   ( Cold psycho hubby 2)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin