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I was lost. Lost in this whirlpool of humans where none cared for the other. Here, people just sat laughing and commenting even when someone's dying. They don't fucking care even if you wail infront of them, they'll just sit around twiddling their thumbs.

I had did my best. All I could.

My mother had always taught me about what was outside. Or that how cruel it was. My innocent mind had always rejected that information.

I mean come on who can be vicious than a father that raped his own daughter.

I found a job, somehow. We did had a kitchen in the basement of our house. My mother had taught me each and every kind of dish she knew.

I was more than grateful. Cooking was the only thing I knew. The fact that we never had a mirror, so, when I got out, the first thing that amazed me was my face.

I didn't look anything at all like my mother, neither my father. I was completely different from any of the features my mother and father had.

It was confusing.

But I had to make a more difficult decision. How to escape completely from this country?

That's when I realised I didn't had any proper and official education. It was all my mother had taught me. According to me, even though I still don't know what really is education, my mother was really intelligent.

I still remember when mother told me that she was really rich, infact richer than my own loaded ass dad.

Currently, I was in a restaurant making food how my mother taught me. The work was going really well.

I came to my apartment and dropped my almost limp body onto the couch. It can't be easy enough to be as 1/20000 wealthy as my father.

I was leading a normal life, finally. Oh how wrong was I!

Suddenly deep knocks were heard outside the main gate of my apartment. It was midnight. And midnight means no visitor.

Who could it be? The only way to find out is to check out myself. But I can't. I don't want to.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. If I want to live a life, I have to be fearless. Maybe, today, I'll learn something.

And yes I did.

I opened my eyes with the catalyst of courage and determination. My clumsy ass won't learn anything ever with this speed. I grabbed the case kept on the wooden table beside my sofa in the living room.

I gulped and walked to the gate. It's now or never. I placed my palm on the door and weighed on my knees to reach to the keyhole. I slowly sneeked out and it was a boy.

The boy seemed tall and calm. He was almost like a statue, standing there with his hands in his tight fit leather jeans. He seems to be lost, like me.

"Who's that?" Still, I cannot let a stranger in at midnight.

He heaved a sigh.


Knocked again.

"Who ever are you, I am not letting you in until you tell me what you want!"

I repeated my insecurity. He walked closer to the door. To the point, now, I could only see his torso through the key hole.

And he said.

"I need help."

His voice, I've heard him somewhere. A sharp pain rang through my head. It was as if someone created a loophole in my mind and I couldn't think straight.

Suddenly I heard a loud thud outside the door. I squint my eyes through the pain and looked through the keyhole. He was gone. He was long gone. As if he never existed, I couldn't see him anymore.

I sighed and opened the door with the vase in my hand. With my hesitant eyes I looked left and then right. He, or any sign of strangers was gone.

I should forget everything. I need to. I have my flight tommorow, far away from New York. To Korea, from where my mother belonged to. Maybe I'd be happy there.

My father didn't knew about my mother's past whereabouts. He just had a crazy soul wrenching lust with my mother's beautiful body.

Oh god curse me if I lie that my mother was literally the most beautiful women on this planet but she said that I was the one, infact 100 times more prettier than her.

Funny was that she once said that I was so pretty that my mother had been jealous of my face from years.

She always knew how to make me feel pretty, strong and loved.

She was the reason why I was alive in that dark basement. Now, today, I am leaving to korea, forever.

I'll get myself educated and someday be powerful than my father. I'll destroy him. I'll destroy his career that he flaunts. I'll destroy every ounce of his.

Removing my hoodie and undergarments, I slipped my tired frame in the sheets. Life's going to be a rollercoaster from now and I'll hella enjoy the living shit out of it.



And yes my dear readers.
Cold psycho hubby supremacy is back.

Spoiler alert-

Our lovely Y/N is going to meet our sweet tae in the next chapter!!!

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