Chapter 37

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"Man, you smell like shit," Jackson exclaims. "Why are you here?" The general asks. "Because your former soldier went missing with a runaway note. She said that she's back in the military but we don't know where. Do you know where she went?" Jackson asks.
"What do you mean she's in the military?" The general asks. "So you don't know," Mom says with a look of disappointment. "Look, it's been a rough night for probably all of us," General says. "No... How are you a general when you look like this?" Monica says.
"I'm sorry?" He asks, tilting his head. I elbow Monica in the arm and give her my famous eye of 'you idiot'. She rubs her arm and gives me a 'what'cha do that for'. "Look, I'm not in the mood for this," he says. "What's wrong with you man?" Jackson asks. "What's wrong with me?! MY idea about starting a special ops group failed. MY idea got everyone killed. I let down twenty-seven people. I let down twenty-seven family's. And now Mace is gone?! Look at you Privet! Your in a fucking wheel chair because of me!" The general expresses.
"Yet I'll be out of it in a matter of three months, maybe sooner. Mace didn't leave because of you. She saw you as a father and you know that. She looked up to you man and if she were here, I know exactly what she'd say. She'd say get the hell up, and brush yourself off. You're a soldier and soldiers don't cry over a mistake," Jackson says in a stern voice.
The general sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "You're right. Let's go find out where she is," the general says. "There we go!" Jackson jokes. They really are like a family. We're walking to a conference room, apparently. We walk up to a red brick building. It looks like it's about five stories tall. As we walk into the building, there's some waiting benches but it's shockingly pretty clean looking.
"My office is upstairs on the fourth floor. We'll check the computers and cameras that surround the city," the general informs us. As we're walking into his office, there's a table with fancy whisky glasses and a box of cigars. He has a big wooden desk and two chairs for people to sit in.
There's filing cabinets on either side of the door. The general walks over to his desk and sits down and opens up a laptop. He starts typing while we're just standing here, confused on what to do. "Well get over here," he commands. "I don't know where she was last," he adds. Our bodies decide to work and we walk over to him and the computer.
"So, where was she seen last?" General Logan asks. "Umm I think the therapist," I tell him. He starts typing and we see a video camera of Mace pop up. "There!" Monica exclaims point towards the computer. It's an image of Mace. "Who is she talking to?" I ask. "I don't know," General answers.
"After about thirty seconds she gets off the phone and she walks off the camera. "Where did she go?" Mom asks. "Hold on, let me get another view," Logan says typing away. A view of her hopping into a black SUV. "Why is she going into a car like that?" Jackson asks. "I don't know. Did she say where in the military she was going?" The general asks. "No, just that she was going back," I say.
"Did she say why?" He questions. "She said that she was doing it for us," I tell him. "She was forced into it then. A bribe maybe?" Jackson contributes. "It could be possible. But who?" The general asks. Then both of their eyes go wide. "Hassan," they say in unison.
"Oh we met Hassan, he came over to lunch before," Mom says. "Wait, who's Hassan?" I ask. "So he knows where they live," Jackson says. "Meaning he probably threatened them and Mace being Mace, she wouldn't let that happen," the general adds. "But what did he want?" General Longan asks.
"When we were captured, he would only hurt her to the bridge of death. But he had no problem killing anyone else. I overheard a conversation. Hassan wanted information on the firebird bomb. The one that we're working on. She wouldn't give it out. He accepted that, I think. But he wanted her as his personal assassin," Jackson says.
"She wouldn't work for him though," General Logan says. "If her family was in trouble, she would." Why would Jackson think that she would kill? I mean I guess she has, it never really dawned on me though.
"Mace would never do that! She would never kill!" I express. "Then you don't know your sister. She has 594 kills. Not including her hand to hand combat," the general says. "If you count those she's well over a thousand," he adds.
She would never kill. She wouldn't do that. It doesn't matter now though. We need to find her and get her back, then we can talk.

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