Chapter 5: The Day the World Fell

Start from the beginning

    "We should get to the town square," he said. "It would be inappropriate of us to forget about Remembrance Day after all."

    "Oooohhh, Lydia, look at these shirts!" Kimberly exclaimed, pressing her face up against the window of a closed shop. Lydia, her older sister, rolled her eyes.

    "Kimberly, stop embarrassing yourself-" She cut herself off short. "Oh those are nice shirts." Lydia shook her head. "Okay, but come on. We need to get to the square for the Remembrance Day ceremony." Lydia began walking off, and Kimberly longingly glanced at the shirts one last time before following her sister.

    "So-" Kimberly wasn't even given a chance to finish her sentence.

    "You're not meeting up with that girl," Lydia said firmly. "Whatsherface, Miley?"


    "I don't care. She's an awful influence on you, and should not be acting like that so publicly." Lydia narrowed her eyes at her sister. "If Mom and Dad ever found out-"

    "I know, I know," Kimberly sighed, looking down. "I'd 'bring shame on the whole family' - which I'm not going to do today, because Millie won't even be there. Well, she'll be there, just not in the crowd. She's in the army, you know."

    "Amazing she made it that far in boot camp with her outlandish behavior," Lydia grumbled, rolling her pink eyes. "Miley's been caught doing some forbidden stuff. Surprised she hasn't gotten in trouble for it yet."

    "It's Millie," Kimberly corrected. "And she has, just not to the point of severe punishment yet." The tone of concern in Kimberly's voice caught her sister's attention, and Lydia stopped suddenly and narrowed her eyes disapprovingly at her sister.

    "Kimberly! Are you-"

    "No, no," Kimberly said quickly with a noticeably panicked tone. "How did you even jump to that conclusion?"

    "The way you're defending her-"

    "She's my best friend, of course I'd defend her!" Kimberly snapped. She was on the verge of tears now - not because her sister was slandering her best friend, but because her sister had figured her out and was scared of the consequences of her love. Lydia's harsh expression softened, and she looked down.

    "Let's just forget this conversation ever happened," she said at last. "Remembrance Day is for remembering what we lost, not for fighting family members." The two sisters continued onwards, neither speaking to the other.

Back at Monica's residence, her family was busy getting ready for the Remembrance Day ceremony. Melody carefully adjusted the black bandana on Monica's head.

    "Aaaand open those eyes," she said. Monica opened her eyes and looked in the mirror, gasping and smiling at the bandana.

    "I love it!" she cried.

    "I know it's not much, and everything's closed for today, but I thought you should have something for your birthday," Melody said. "Especially for a milestone like this one."

    "Imagine having a birthday on the day we remember when the Inklings forced us underground," snarkily rang Eddison's voice as he came down the stairs. "Couldn't be me."

    "Eddy," Carter, Monica's stepfather, began, rustling his newspaper. "Be nice to your sister. It's her birthday." Eddison rolled his eyes and groaned.

    "It's fine, Dad," Monica said, eyeing her stepbrother with a smug smile. "He's just mad because we all forgot his birthday because it wasn't on a national holiday but a generic boring day instead." Eddison narrowed his eyes at her. Monica's mother and stepfather had been married for about a year. Monica's father and Eddison's mother had fallen serving the Octarian Empire - or what was left of it - from attacks from the terrorist group known as the New Squidbeak Splatoon. The dead parents were a topic that wasn't touched on very often since it happened, the living parents each had jobs as local security officers, and the kids were still adjusting to life with each other - which wasn't easy as they had already shown a competitive rivalry with each other in weapon practice. Monica and Eddison were a year apart in age, but their resemblance to each other was striking, and they were constantly confused as twins. Alone, both of them were a threat, but together, they were nearly unstoppable with their Splatanas.

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