"Sweet! Let's get working then!" Cisco clapped and sat himself down in a rolling chair, he logged on to his computer and started typing away. Nora sat next to him, looking over his notes and giving her own advice here and there. I tried to help as much as I could but I was distracted with both Killer Frost and Barry Allen on my mind.

I looked away from Cisco's screen for a split second and caught sight of Barry just as he was slipping his hoodie off. A bit of his skin peaked out as his shirt slid up. I blushed and turned my head away quickly. I was hoping Barry hadn't noticed.

I turned my head to look back over at Cisco's computer but I caught Nora's eye instead. She was smirking, giving me a look like she knew way more than she was letting on.

"That is the face of a girl who is used to their mother looking at their father just like that."

"Do you mind if I look over some of your notes? Just so I can compare and contrast with what Cisco and Nora are working on?" Barry asked as he reached out for the notebook I was using to talk to Killer Frost.

"Oh, uh, yeah! Just let me-" I snatched the notebook up before he could get his hands on it. I ripped the page Killer Frost and I were writing on out before handing it over to him. "Here."

"Did she say something embarrassing?" Barry asked as he sat down next to me, flipping through my notes. I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up again, even as I tried to will them not to.

"What?" I asked, clearing my throat a bit when the word got stuck.

"Did Killer Frost write something embarrassing? Is that why you're hiding the page?" Barry didn't look up from my notes as he asked again, but he was pointing at the paper I had crumpled up. I was gripping it tightly in my fist.

"Sort of. It's just something I don't want to share." I shrugged, loosening my fist a little bit.

"Eureka!" Cisco pumped his fist in the air, jumping up from his chair. "I think we've got something!"

Barry rolled over in his chair, using his super speed to look over Cisco's notes and my own. He nodded when he was finished, looking up at Cisco with a grin.

"Let's get started on this serum. I think it's exactly what we need to combine both of you." Barry turned his smile over to me and I momentarily forgot about the notebook page as I stood up to follow Barry and Cisco out of the room.

"Let's do this." I smiled, both excited and nervous.

(Nora's POV)

I watched them leave the room before I rolled over in my chair and picked up the note that Caitlin had left behind. Killer Frost was convinced that I was Caitlin's daughter. She wasn't wrong, but she also seemed to be trying to convince Caitlin that she had a chance with dad. I sighed and grabbed a pen, hoping this wouldn't mess up the timeline.

Caity, Killer Frost is right, you have more than a chance with me. If you're free tomorrow night, I'd like to get dinner with you.


After I wrote the note I pulled my phone from my pocket and shot off a text to Dawn.

Nora//9:17am: Can we meet at Jitters around four?

Dawn//9:17am: Of course. You good?

Nora//9:18am: Yes. I'm fine.

Dawn//9:18am: You're clearly lying but I have no doubt I'll be able to get it out of you tomorrow. Dad said to wait a couple of days before I run you home so I don't exhaust myself.

Nora//9:19am: Three days max. You're going to hate me.

Dawn//9:19am: The hell did you do, Nora???

Nora//9:20am: Ask mom how dad asked her on their first date.

Dawn//9:20am: Oh my fucking god! Nora! You're screwing up the timeline!

Nora//9:21am: Not really. I promise. Peace out.

I put my phone back in my pocket with a sigh. I hoped that this wouldn't mess up the timeline too bad. I just wanted them to be together and happy. It was the least I could do after how I treated them before I ran back in time.

"Sorry mom and dad." I whispered before I got up and joined my parents and Cisco in Caitlin's lab to help with the serum.

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