1. A new beginning

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[it is currently late 1990]

[the two men sat on the edge of a water fountain in a small park in Seattle, Washington. They had recently gotten back from hanging out with Krist in a local record store, horsing around before Krist had to go home to his girlfriend, mumbling something about an emergency]

[Kurt, after an awkward silence]: "Hey man, maybe we should talk about your audition over some pizza? its getting late and i haven't even eaten yet.."

[Dave, suddenly snapping back to reality upon hearing Kurt speak]: "oh! right..yeah, pizza sounds good"

*with a nod of his head, Kurt stood up from the bench while shoving his hands in his pockets before motioning for Dave to follow him*

*Dave gets up and follows him, stretching his arms upwards into the air and yawning, the sun beginning to set, making the sky appear pink and orange*

[Dave, catching up to Kurt]: "Hey, uhh, you want me to pay?.."

[Kurt, focusing on Dave for a bit]: "Nah..i got a paycheck from my other job, plus that last performance we did at that bar with Chad actually went well"

*Dave nods, the two looking down again and bringing back that awkward silence,walking side by side to the their local pizza parlor*

------------------------------------Time 🎶 Skip-------------------------------------

*Both of them sat facing eachother in a booth, eating slices from a large pepperoni pizza Kurt had ordered while still not saying anything,each looking down at the table or around the parlor*

[Dave, mumbling with a bite of pizza still in his mouth]: "Pizzas..good"

[Kurt, nodding softly]: "yeah..."

*Kurt clears his throat*

[Kurt,now staring at Dave directly and slightly smiling]: "So..about the audition.. you're in, since the other guys either weren't what we were looking for, or jerks.."

Friendship bracelet ( Kurt Cobain x Dave Grohl [kave] )Where stories live. Discover now