First Alien Contact

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???, ???.

??? : "Mmh, it's a beautiful day outside" He observed as he opened his front door and stepped on the grass, looking at the different species of birds on the trees above his mundane home "the birds are singing… the flowers are blooming…".

The old man closed his front door and settled his basket on his right shoulder. "On days like these, an old man like me…"


"Should really find himself some company…" He muttered, turning a little sad as a little cloud of gloom appeared above his head.

"I know I choose to be a hermit but I really miss some good old social contact… Maybe I should contact my old friend back?" He muttered as he looked at the sky, blue as always with so little clouds… and a meteor…

"...Wait a minute–'' his eyes widened when he saw a maybe not so meteor descend from the sky and come straight at him at alarming speed!

So, in a split second reaction, he proceeded to do a backflip and successfully dodged the unknown object, the strange aircraft continuing its course further along the trees and out of sight until the ground shook with a big *boom*.

Curious and a little weary, he made his way towards its landing position to inspect what the unknown object was.

Arriving at the presumed crash site, he saw a crater with what seemed to be… a metal sphere?

Arriving at the presumed crash site, he saw a crater with what seemed to be… a metal sphere?

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He jumped down and walked closer towards the metal sphere where he could see it better.

Upon arriving beside it, he immediately identified a red window on the front of the metal object, could it be some sort of spacecraft?

Inching closer towards it, he observed some burn marks and scratches on its surface. What in Kami's name happened to it?

However as he was pondering on this thought, he suddenly started to hear a female robotic voice speaking in a surprisingly understandable language which seemed to come from the strange aircraft itself "PLANET EARTH SUCCESSFULLY REACHED, DECOMPRESSION OF THE ATTACK BALL INITIATED" 'Planet Earth? Attack ball?'.

The old man jumped back and took a defensive stance as he watched the 'attack ball' release a good amount of steam before the door ultimately opened, letting the old man in an awkward silence as the steam evaporated itself into the air.

However, what he saw after the steam evaporated made him immediately drop his stance.

"Oh dear…" He exclaimed in a worried tone as he approached the capsule, a woman, perhaps in her twenties, was slumped back against her seat and seemingly unconscious.

Fortunately she does not seem to have any visible injuries thanks Kami but the fact that she is unconscious is greatly worrying him and proving to him that something is definitly wrong.

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