The Challenge of the Prince

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𝙱𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙶𝚒𝚗𝚎'𝚜 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚎, 𝙰𝚐𝚎 732, 2𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙼𝚊𝚢, 2:32 𝙿𝚖

Gine was sitting in her chair while reading some comics while an almost two years old Aspara was training outside and kicking the air while doing fast kicks when Bardock landed just beside Aspara

"Hey brat, how are you? Are you training already?" He asked her

Aspara stopped kicking the air and looked at her Father with an annoyed expression before replying "No Father, I'm reading my Mother's comics…" she said while looking at her Father with a deadpan look

Bardock just looked at her with HIS deadpan look before saying "You're taking too much of my personality… and not the good things…" he murmured the last bit "Well… sarcasm aside, we are invited at the palace to celebrate the Prince 2nd birthday, you were too young to remember last year so this time you can enjoy it but please don't lash out against everyone who look at you the wrong way… you DEFINITELY took in your Mother's temper about this…"

Aspara just shrugged and replied "I'll try but promise nothing, do you want me to go search for Mother?"

"…Yeah go do that" Replied a tired Bardock, hoping that his short temper Daughter wouldn't cause drama but doesn't worry that much, even if she took her Mother's temper, she is really smart and thoughtful like him so he doubt she will make herself an enemy to the ones she will passed the future years with

Aspara lightly pushed the door of the house open and entered in the kitchen where her Mother was sitting at

"Mother, Father came back home and announced that we are invited to the castle and that we are to leave shortly" Aspara said

Gine closed her comic and replied "Alright sweetie, let me just a moment to take my things" she got out of the chair and walked upstairs as Aspara nodded and walked back outside to see her Father waiting, arm crossed, so she did the same thing and said "Mother went upstairs to prepare herself"

Bardock slightly nodded and they both waited with their arm crossed and wearing their serious face as Gine arrived and chuckled with the scene of the Father-Daughter moment and cleared her throat to announced her arrival, which again the Father-Daughter duo turned around at the SAME TIME AND EVEN RAISED THEIR RIGHT EYEBROWS WITHOUT LOOKING AT EACH OTHER

…Gine just sweetdrop at this point and closed the door "So, sweetheart, are you ready to go for your first real trip to the palace? You will be a Super Elite next year, so you will have to come there many more times so it's good that you get used to it sooner so you will not be intimidated" Spoked Gine wise words full of wisdom

Aspara just nodded and let herself be picked up, she was really impatient to learn how to fly so she would not need to be picked up like a baby every time they went out… which is NOT what she is!

They then flew towards the castle where the meeting would take place and landed in the courtyard, Aspara meanwhile was flabbergasted by the height of the building, she didn't have a small house, really, but this? It's gigantic, she didn't know it would be THIS big! The royal family really is unbelievably rich to be in a castle this tall and even the scenery is breathtaking, did you see the lake? She is only able to imagine what big and delicious fish is swimming in there…

While Aspara was daydreaming about exotic fishes, they placed her on the ground and took her hand as they entered the Palace and walked calmly through the hallways in the direction of their meeting room

The hallways were decorated with portraits of ancient kings with their wife and kids on it and the last one for now was a portrait of King Vegeta and Queen Kassava with Baby Vegeta in it

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