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Urokodaki was driving home with Giyu. He took this moment to ask him what happened. "I can't believe this Giyu.." Urokodaki sighed. "School was going so well, what happened?"

Giyu looked at the ground, he felt scared to answer. Tears started gathering in his eyes, but he wouldn't let them fall. "I.."

"I what?"

"I'm sorry..." He said. Giyu turned his head to look out the car window.

They stopped at a red light, "I don't want an apology, I want to know what happened! What happened to you guys being best friends?" He asked looking at Giyu.

Giyu couldn't hold on any longer, the tears started falling. "I- I..  I don't- know..-" He stuttered, "Are.. you mad a-at me?" The light turned green.

"No, I'm upset. You won't tell me whats going on with you! Your parents trusted me to take care of you, how am I supposed to if you won't tell me anything?" Giyu wouldn't look at him, he just kept staring out the window. "Well we are home. Give me your phone, you can get it back tomorrow." He held out his hand and Giyu placed his phone in his hand.

      ---A few hours later---

Knock, knock. "Eh, who could that be?" Urokodaki said while walking to the front door. "Who are you and what do you want?"

"Does Giyu Tomioka live here? I'm someone from his school, my name is Sanemi Shinazugawa."

"Yea, he does." He answered. "Did you guys have plans? Why don't I know you?"

"I just met him at the start of the year. I just wanted to see if I could talk to him."

"Hmm, Giyu! You have a guest!" He yelled. "You can come in."

Giyu walked over to the door, "Sh- Shinazugawa-san!? What are you doing here?" He felt his face go warm.

"I wanted to talk to you. Can we go to your room?"

"Uh.. it's messy right now. I didn't get a chance to clean it yet.." He giggled nervously.

"I don't care."

They both walked to Giyu's room. He made Sanemi stand outside his room while he quickly put things away. When he opened the door again, it was better then before, but still a bit messy. "Nice room." Sanemi commented.

"Thanks.." Giyu blushed.

"Hey what's in this box?" Sanemi asked.

"My CD collection- eh- don't look through it!" He didn't care that he was taking CDs out of the box, he was scared for him to see what he listens to.

"YO SICK! You like metal? You got Metallica.. Korn... Slipknot.... System Of A Down..... My Chemical Romance-?!"

"Ah-! This is embarrassing.." Giyu said covering his face.

"I've haven't met someone who likes them too."

Giyu's head shot up, "What-? You like MCR-?!"

"Yea, what's your favourite song of theirs?" Sanemi questioned.

"Sleep." Giyu answered.

"Hah! Same."

After that they started to realize how much they have in common. They chatted and played the albums Giyu had till Sanemi had to go home. Giyu looked out the window watching Sanemi walk away. 'I think I'm catching feelings for him...' He thought to himself.

"You guys seemed to have fun. I could here you guys through the walls." Urokodaki laughed. "You like him don't you?"

"AH!- How did you know? Is it obvious...?"

"I just know you well. Ah well, dinner is ready. Come eat."

The next day Giyu got his phone back and quickly texted Mitsuri about what happened.

Message sent by: GayEmo💔🖤
You won't believe it!
Shinazugawa came over!

Message sent by: Cupid🍡❤
Is my best friend finally getting a...
boyfrienddd~~ <3🥰😘


😒 yea right, keep lying to yourself

It doesn't matter anyway, I think he is straight

I can ask for you <3



I don't care im asking anyway

Can you give me his number 🙏
I don't have it

Sure! 😘
Its ###-###-####

Thank you!

-chat switch-

Message sent by: Cupid🍡❤
Hey Shinazugawa!

-message read-


Message sent by: hurricane💨🍃

You like anyone~? 😘
Maybe... Giyu 🤩

-message read-

If you don't answer ill take that as a yes 🥰


You are blocked, you can't chat to this person anymore


"Uh-" Mitsuri stopped to think. "No way did he just do that.. oh what am I thinking, OF COURCE HE WOULD!" She fell back in bed, her cupid in her didn't know what to do now. Sighing she decided to call Giyu. It rang but he didn't pick up. It wasn't surprising he didn't answer, he said he doesn't like calling. But she got a message:

Message sent by: GayEmo💔🖤
Sorry Mitsuri! I'm on call with Shinazugawa

She sat there staring at her phone. "EHH? BUT I THOUGHT, I.."

Message sent by: Cupid🍡❤



"I hope Mitsuri isn't mad at me.." Giyu said to himself.

"Hm? What was that?" Sanemi asked.

"U-uh... sorry Mitsuri texted me! Heh, heh..."

"Mhm.." Sanemi paused. "Wanna meet up again after school?"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind."

"Nice! See you, I have to go."

"Bye..!" Sanemi hung up the phone leaving Giyu not knowing what he can do, sighing Giyu flopped onto his bed. 'If only I could tell him how I felt...' He thought to himself. 'He just doesn't seem to like men... I don't want to end what we have!' He felt his eyes water, 'I hate this...'

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