Perfect Pt. 3

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Thanks to Bucky, Nat, and Steve, you became more comfortable at the gym. It began feeling like less of a thing you had to do and more of a thing you wanted to do. It had been a month since you joined and you were already feeling more confident than you ever had. Part of that was the training you were doing, but the majority of it was thanks to Bucky. He was always so encouraging when you felt like giving up and he made you feel seen. No matter how hard other women in the gym tried to catch his attention, his eyes never left you.

You had just walked into the gym to meet Bucky when your cell phone rang. His name popped up on your screen and a smile automatically lit your face.

"Hey, Buck. I just walked in for our session."

"Hey, doll. Listen, I'm not in today. I had a family thing come up that I had to take care of. I thought I'd make it there in time for our session, but it's taking longer than I thought."

Disappointment shot through you. It wasn't going to be the same running through your workout without Bucky, but you knew he would be there if he could.

"It's okay, Bucky. I completely understand. I hope everything is okay."

"Yeah, everything is gonna be fine. I feel like I'm letting you down, doll. Truth is, out of all my clients, I hate having to cancel on you the most. Kinda gotten used to, uh, to spending time with you."

Your heart thumped and your steps halted right inside the door of the gym. You wanted to read more into his words, but you knew you shouldn't. Truth be told, you'd developed a crush on your panty melting, yet sweet as pie, trainer over the last month. As much as you wanted him to be interested in you the same way you were in him, you told yourself that a woman like you could never lock down a man like Bucky. You pushed down your disappointment and sadness before responding.

"Hey, shit happens. I promise I'm not mad and you aren't letting me down. Take care of your family. I'll see you on Saturday, right?"

"Wouldn't miss it, Y/n. Mind if I call you later?" His voice rang out with hopefulness. "Ya know, just to see how the workout went?" He added quickly.

"Yeah, sure. I'll talk to you later, Buck." You said in a melancholy tone that he seemed to miss.

"Talk to you later, doll."

You disconnected the call and walked up to the desk, shoulders sagging a bit as you said hello to Nat.

"Hey!" Nat said cheerily. "So, Bucky is out today."

"Yeah, he just called me." You sighed.

"Is that disappointment I hear?" Nat smirked at you over the top of the desk.

"Yeah." You told her without thinking. "I mean no! At least not in the way you're taking it." You lied. "I just really like having him there to help motivate me and correct me if I'm doing something wrong."

"Mhm. I'm sure you'll do great. Just take what he's taught you already and do that for today."

"That's the plan. I'm gonna go warm up. We still on for dinner later?"

"Of course, but there's been a slight change of plans. Steve and Bucky are going to be joining us."

"Oh, um, yeah. Okay. That's"

"Good. Now stop stalling and go warm up."

You rolled your eyes, but made your way over to the area where you always did your pre-workout warm up. You set your stuff down and began stretching. Half way through your set of squats, you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Looking behind you, you saw Brock in the corner with one of his clients, eyes firmly glued to your ass. You turned to face him and crossed your arms over your chest, eyebrow cocked. He smirked at you and whispered something to his client. A few seconds later he was crossing the mats to stand in front of you.

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