Twisted Minds*

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TW: This story contains violence and a CNC (consent/non-consent) scene. Please feel free to skip as this can be triggering for some.

Someone was watching you. You looked around the crowded bar as you stood at the entrance. No one was even sparing you a glance, but you could feel eyes upon you. It had been like that all day. The sky was dark and dreary from an oncoming storm and a crisp chill flowed through the city. Not even five minutes after leaving your house the hairs on the back of your neck raised and sent an eerie feeling creeping over your body. Maybe it was just because it was Halloween and everything felt spookier on Halloween. Or maybe it was because the city was being terrorized by a killer who stalked his prey in the dark of the night.

The police had identified sixteen victims so far. All were young men in their early twenties to thirties who had gone missing after a night on the town, but that's where the similarities stopped. It seemed the person murdering these young men didn't have a preference when it came to physical traits, making it harder for the police to profile the killer and his potential victims. The method of their deaths varied just as much as the victims did. Stabbed, beaten, strangled, shot execution style. And then the body was haphazardly tucked against the wall of an alley and covered loosely with an old, ratty blanket. To passersby, it would look like a homeless person trying to keep warm as the days grew colder, but the reality was much more sinister.

Living alone in the city wasn't easy when something like this happened. It made you more vulnerable but, as morbid as it seemed, you didn't feel too at risk since all of the victims had been males. That's why you didn't even think twice about running errands around the city by yourself all day. It's why you declined Natasha and Wanda's offer to come to your apartment and Uber to the bar with you. It was also why you confidently walked the two blocks to your favorite bar for the Halloween bash they had been advertising for weeks.

"Y/n! We're over here!" Wanda yelled from the left as you entered the bar.

"Nat, Wanda. I see you both started without me." You chuckled as you reached the bar and took a seat on the stool they had saved for you.

"You would be correct, but we did go ahead and order you a drink." Nat said as she slid a glass of something fruity looking across the bartop to you. "Are we forgiven?"

"I guess." You faked a dramatic sigh and took a sip of the sugary sweet drink.

"Good! Come dance with us!" Wanda yelled over the music as she held onto Nat to keep from swaying.

She was already tipsy. Wanda didn't drink much, only on special occasions like tonight, so she wasn't great at holding her liquor. Wanda was dressed as a witch in a short black dress with red accents and a pointy black witch's hat. Natasha had decided to wear a skin tight black jumpsuit and paired it with cute kitten ears. Even though you had protested, not wanting to draw the wrong kind of attention at the bar, both women had taken over your costume.

Your eyes skimmed down the 1940's pinup style military dress. It was tight and hugged every curve of your body while the neckline of the dress dipped far lower than you would have liked. Wanda had paired it with nylon stockings with a seam up the back and tall, black pumps. Nat made sure to tell you that your hair and makeup had to match the costume, so you spent the evening perfecting your victory rolls and simple makeup with winged liner and a flawless red lip, before slipping on the costume and heading to the bar.

"I'm gonna get another drink. You two go on."

"Come find us in a few minutes then." Nat said as Wanda grabbed her hand and dragged her to the dance floor.

Twenty minutes later, you had a couple more drinks in you and your muscles were starting to relax, but you still felt eyes searing into you. You glanced around once more, this time locking onto a pair of shimmering blue eyes that were staring straight at you. He was dressed as a soldier, but the Army blues didn't look like something you'd find at a costume shop. It looked authentic. The man smiled at you and began making his way across the room. You weren't looking for a stranger to take home, you just wanted to have a few drinks with your friends and then go home to eat your weight in pizza and ice cream. Instead of waiting for him to approach, you disappeared into the crowd to find Nat and Wanda.

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