Perfect Pt. 2

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Saturday morning you walked into the gym feeling more apprehensive than last time. You had been a few times since signing up and thankfully hadn't run into Bucky. Today had your nerves tingling knowing that you would be stuck in a room with him going over a plan to help you meet your goals. Nat saw you walking up to the desk and came around to pull you into a hug. She had already dubbed herself your best friend and had even started making plans for the two of you to have a girls night. She said that any woman who could bring Bucky Barnes to his knees was a woman worth being friends with.

"I'll take you to the consultation room." She linked her arm with yours and began walking down a hallway lined with doors.

She stopped at the last one on the right and knocked sharply then turned and began walking away.

"Nat, where are you going?" You hissed

"Giving you two some privacy." She winked

The door opened and Bucky smiled down at you.

"Y/n, hey! Come on in." He stepped aside and let you into the room.

Bucky took a seat behind the desk and gestured for you to sit down. You took the chair on the opposite side of the desk and fidgeted with the hem of your shirt, once again pulling at it to make sure it didn't cling to your body and accentuate your problem areas.

"First of all, I want to apologize again for how we first met. I'm usually not that awkward around women."

"It's okay. Really. I know a thing or two about being awkward." You chuckled lightly.

Bucky's lips turned up in a soft smile and your heart leapt.

"Now that we got that out of the way, let's get down to business. What exactly are you looking to get out of these sessions?"

"Weight loss mainly. I'd like to build some muscle, too."

"Okay, we can definitely get something in place to help you reach your goals. What made you want to try a personal trainer?"

You looked at Bucky uncomfortably. You sat in silence trying to find the best way to explain your motives. Did you tell him it was because you had a hard time finding the motivation to keep going or that you felt like giving up after working your ass off and seeing no results? Or maybe because you just wanted to feel accepted in a world where your appearance was the first thing people judged you on? They say honesty was the best policy, right?

"I'm tired of people looking at me and judging me based on the fact that I'm not some skinny, perfect woman. I just want to be able to love myself and feel comfortable in my own skin." You whispered and looked down at your lap. It was hard to admit that out loud. It was even harder to admit that to Bucky.

The weight of your words hung in the air like smoke from a wildfire.

"It's perfectly fine to want to better yourself, Y/n, but don't do it for anyone else. Fuck what anyone else thinks."

"It's easy for you to say that. You look fucking amazing, Bucky. I'm sure the only people you have staring at you are women who want to fuck you and men who wished they looked like you. But that's completely opposite of the experiences I have on a daily basis. It's hard to walk around feeling so self-conscious all the goddamn time." Tears formed in your eyes and you refused to look at him.

"You're perfect the way you are, doll. Don't let anyone ever tell you any different." He responded with a gentle, yet firm tone.

You looked up and locked eyes with him. His gaze was intense, but rather than feel scrutinized like before, you felt heat swell within you. At the same time, confusion swirled in your head because no man had ever looked at you the way he was. Bucky was about to speak when the door swung open and a man with messy brown hair walked in. Bucky looked over at him and scowled.

"I'm in the middle of a consultation, Brock. What do you want?"

Brock looked down at you with a smirk on his face. His eyes ran over you and paused on your chest before finally looking at your face.

"Hey there, beautiful. I'm Brock."

"Y/n." You said softly, still confused by the interaction you just had with Bucky.

"Wonder why Natasha didn't assign you to me, baby. I could teach you more than James could."

"James?" You asked, looking over at Bucky.

"Bucky's just a nickname, doll." Bucky smiled over at you before his features turned hard and his eyes cut to Brock.

"Nat didn't assign her to you because you're an asshole. Now what do you want?" He gritted out.

"Chill out, man. Just letting you know that there's a staff meeting this afternoon." Brock's lips curved upwards in a smarmy smirk as he looked down at you instead of at Bucky.

"That could've been an email."

"Yeah, but I like visiting my old pal." Brock finally looked over at Bucky as he spoke.

"We have never been pals, Brock. Now get out."

Brock grinned and then looked back at you.

"If you ever want some extra help—"

"She won't." Bucky said, cutting him off.

Brock threw his hands up and shot you one more glance before leaving.

"I take it you and Brock don't like each other very much."

"You could say that." Bucky said dryly.

He focused back on you and took a deep breath.

"Sorry about that, doll. He just gets under my skin. Are you ready for your first session?"

"Now? I thought today was just a consultation." You said hesitantly.

"It can be whatever you want it to be, Y/n. I'm on your time, but I think you're ready to start today. We can take it slow and work our way up to the harder things."

You nodded your approval at Bucky. He stood and guided you out of the office and into the gym. His hand settled on the small of your back as he skirted the edge of the cardio section and took you to an area with mats scattered along the floor. The touch was brief, but the sensation lingered even after he had removed his hand. He showed you a few stretches and a quick warm up and then had you repeat the moves. He caught sight of Brock watching you across the gym and scowled.

"Fucking asshole." Bucky muttered, taking a step in front of you to block you from Brock's view.

Bucky made a mental note to keep an eye on Brock when you were there for your training sessions. Brock didn't give a shit about feeling. The only thing he wanted was to get his dick wet. Bucky wasn't going to let that happen to you. There was something special about you, something that he wanted to explore, but every time he was around you the words he wanted to say got stuck in his throat. He just needed some time to get up the courage to finally ask you out. Until then, he'd have to keep an eye on you and make sure Brock didn't get too close. He'd be damned if he was going to let you have your heart broken by Brock Rumlow.

To be continued...

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