After the night when Riplash took first watch, Pulse was hesitant at the idea at first. But her fatigue talked louder, eventually giving up and taking her spot in sleep. The next morning he was shoved awake by the armored dragon.

"Wake up. We need to get moving if we wish to get there early." He growled to the still groggy skywing. Falcon himself didn't realize how tired he was until the next morning.


"Waaaah!" He screamed. The loud explosion ringing through the mountains as a massive fireball illuminated the early morning sky.

"And I think we have our clause as well." He responded flatly. The massive fireball mixed with the concussive blast waking the rest of the traveling party.

"HUH!" Pulse exploded with energy, small bolts of lightning shooting from her claws as she awoke in shock. Followed by a scream from Opuntia and a;

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!" Talc roared, his eyes darting back and froth before locking onto the remnants of the massive fireball left from the explosion.

"By my guess...a well constructed bomb." Riplash replied subtly, looking around at the Earth Speaker, Sandwing, and Falcon himself before looking back up at the glowing orange light. The seemingly void entity that was Riplash blocked out most of the firelight, adding to the empty illusion that he gave off. "We are much closer than I thought..."

As Riplash sat back in thought, Falcon couldn't help but wonder what was going on in the assassins mind. Probably endless calculations of the new situation that presented itself.

What is going on in that cruel brain of his?

He thought, watching as Riplash seemingly counted over the new possibilities in his mind before his jaws opened to speak.

"Okay. Like it or not. This changes a few events for us." He started. His deep, constricting voice lacing it's way through his ears. "We can use this to out advantage. The chaos will make scarlet bit only angry, but also paranoid. Maybe this will give us a bigger opening." He explained.

"That's my home that just got bombed Riplash." Falcon said. Anger seethed through his veins. The home he was born in. The palace. The crown of the Sky Kingdom! And he is using this tragedy as a means like a pawn on a board?

"I'm aware. But there is nothing you can do about it. So might as well use the new position we were given." He explained heartlessly. He didn't understand. How could he just...not care about the hundreds of lives that the explosion probably took?

"How do you not care?" Falcon questioned.

"Care to help or care of pity?" Riplash responded.

"Both." Falcon growled. Did this guy really not have any care for who knows how much damaged was caused? Does he only care about the gial at hand? Doing everything nessasary to achieve said goal?

"Why should I care? I'm more focused on the mission what was asked of me. And I always get my job done. Always." He growled. "Don't question how I get it done. But I do. It isn't for the light hearted." He growled.

"How would you like it if someone blew up your home?" Falcon shot at him. Taking satisfaction in seeing the scales under his exposed chin tense lightly.

"I don't have a kingdom. I don't have a queen. And I don't have a home. So why should I care about yours? If we don't deal with the issue at hand, no one will have a home. So stop whining." He growled, turning to the fire-lit sky. His emotionless eyes scanning the horizon, watching several guards streak across the sky back to their palace city.

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