A New Realization

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The fact I came back is shocking enough.  

Sister? Sister? SISTER!?! 

"Sister?" He repeated, looking dead into the eyes of the dragoness.

"I said that already. Thanks for repeating me." She snapped sarcastically, sheathing the blade in a leather strap behind her with a scowl.

"No problem. Thought you might need a reminded due to your old age." He shot, earning a scowl from the dragon claiming to be his aunt.

"You definitely have her insulting behavior." She rolled her eyes. "For a slave."

"Again. I am no slave!" Riplash snarled, insulted that she instantly called him a slave. Even though he is just recently free from her influence, and fought off one her greatest defector hunters.

"Then why do you carry her symbol on your chest?" She questioned, pointing at the engraving on his chest plate.

"You seriously think I want to keep this on me?" He growled, standing up. His height easily towering over her.

"Then why don't you get rid of it? If you don't want it on so badly." She shot back, standing at her full height as well, though still easily dwarfed by him. An air of challenge surrounded the two.

He slowly lurched his head down close to hers, a deep growl emanated from his throat. "If I had the opportunity to take it off, I would've a long time ago." He growled, stepping closer to her, revealing the seared metel, bound to his body until he is nothing but a rotted skeleton.

She narrowed her eyes up at him, her barbed tail made a quick motion, signaling to the guards behind her probably, before turning away from him.

"Either you let me out, or I will force my way out." Riplash announced. "Don't get in my way." He growled, sitting back against the wall furthest from the door.

The dragoness stopped just outside the entrance to his cell, twisting around to face him once more.

"How about a deal then." She proposed, facing back to him with her onyx black eyes.

"A deal?"

Why now a deal?

"Yes. Yell me where my sister is, and I might consider letting you go. You clearly have a goal you want to see, so you help me, and you'll get my consideration." The sandwing explained, earning a bark of laughter from Riplash himself.

"Pa-lease! If I knew where she was, I would've been there right now killing everyone that has layed an ill-intent claw on her. So sorry, but I myself don't know where she is." He sneered, tilting his chin up.

Her eyes scanned him talon to tail, thinking of something, anything to say back.

"You did something to piss off bitch queen there. No one would put themselves through...that." She gestured with her wing to his armor.

His eyes drifted over the cursed plates, forever binding him in his own tomb.

"Rrrrg. She's somewhere none of us will find her. The Sun Queen made sure of that due to the first time around." He growled, flexing his talons, the gloomy black metel clinking lightly, looking back up at her stoutly.

"Hmm." She hummed, saying nothing more as she turned away leaving him in the cell as the door locked tight behind her.

"Bitch." He mumbled. Turning back to the bed, grumbling as he felt again for the exit he was digging at. "Can't stop me from doing shit." He grumbled, digging his tail blade into the wood and plaster.

After what felt like hours of prying his tail into the trap door, his tail broke through the last bit of resistance, flooding his sensing with the new voices and essences of the floral life around him, giving him an idea. A genius idea at that.

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