Fatebound (Klaus/Oc)

25 1 1

Autor: ShayForbidden


Dying at 25, only to wake up in a hospital bed in the body of a traumatized 12-year-old, was probably the first thing that made me realize that I may not be as normal as I thought. The fact that said hospital was in the supposed-to-be-fictional town of Mystic Falls in 2002, was the second. The third was the vague flashes of the event that landed me in the hospital letting me know I was a siphoner. The final nail in the coffin was the fact that any time I tried to change things too early, I was hit by a searing pain in my head. If being reincarnated into a deadly fictional world with Fate restricting my actions wasn't bad enough, it just had to be a fictional world I didn't know nearly enough about. With no other options, I spent the next 8 years honing my skills in the hopes of keeping the people I loved safe. I shouldn't have been surprised that there was a lot more in store for me than I'd realized. Afterall, I'd learned a long time ago that Fate's a bitch.


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