" Mr. Kim, the article on which I was working on has come to the completion. I've put my soul into this piece of work , had a lot of thoughts before pouring it into writing. Could you please have a read of it? " You answered him politely with almost a plee. His index finger clicked on the laptop and his gaze finally met yours. A queer shiver ran down your spine. His stare intensifies everytime he eyes you. You didn't know if it was his normal way of gazing or was it just with you. He glanced at the paper script which you had held. He got up , resting his hands inside his pocket.

" Sure. I'd give it a read. " he said casually gesturing you to keep the papers on his table. You bowed as a form of gratitude.

" Thank you very much , Sir. I'm obliged. " you kept those papers on his table and turned around to make your exit. But his voice stopped you.

" Did you check the mails that Mr. Carter had sent ? " he asked making you confused. You turned around to answer him.

" Pardon, Mr. Kim ? emails ? Isn't your secretary , Mr. Shin suppose to check those ? " You were right. The mails were approved by secretary and then transferred to him to have the final read and get it published.

" My secretary is on leave , Ms. Faye. And..." he made his way to the front leaning on the desk facing more closer to you.

".. I want you to look after the things Mr. Shin took care of , for a month. I have gone through your records from the past few months ever since you joined. And my conscience says you'd not disappoint me in this. Would you ? , Ms. Faye. " he prompted leaving you in shock. You were astonished to his commitment.

Your name from his voice left you stunned everytime. Okay and hold up ? he is asking you to look after the important works because he thinks you're capable of that Wow. What a great day. You never expected it from him. Too much for you to handle for the day. You hurried your words when he saw you taking a bit long to answer him.

" Su-re-ly , sir. I would not disappoint you. Thank you for believing in me. " you stuttered in the first word and eventually thanked him with a slight smile.


After a long day of brainstorming , you stood infront of a familiar shop which has helped you slip away from the daily hustle.

As you push open the door, a familiar scent of old books and freshly brewed coffee wafts through the air, instantly made you feel at home. The cozy atmosphere welcomes you, with shelves upon shelves of books lining the walls, waiting to be discovered. The shelves are meticulously organized, making it easy for you to browse through the titles and find hidden gems.

The bookshop is always buzzing with fellow book lovers, their faces buried in pages, or engaged in animated conversations about their latest literary discoveries. It's a place where you feel a sense of belonging, surrounded by people who share the same passion for books.

While flipping the pages of the book you had held, vigorous thoughts popped up in your mind. You felt incredibly lucky to be able to do what you love, surrounded by books and words. Every day, you wake up excited to dive into manuscripts, to uncover hidden gems, and to help authors bring their stories to life, edit , make modifications. Go through different storylines at the press. Isn't it what you've always manifested for ?

The feeling of holding a freshly printed book in your hands, knowing that you played a part in its creation, is indescribable. It's like witnessing a piece of art come to life, and it filled you with a sense of fulfillment and pride. You loved the collaborative nature of your job, working closely with authors, senior editors, and other talented individuals in the publishing industry, especially

Kim Taehyung, whom you always admired for his writings.

But it's not just about the books themselves he wrote. Its also about the impact they have on readers. Knowing that the stories he helps bring into the world can touch someone's heart, inspire them, or simply provide euphoria is incredible.

The staffs , especially the owner who was a lady in her 40s have become familiar faces. She was more like your guardian now whom you adored.

" So how was your day at work. " she passed you a warm smile. You returned the same before answering.

" It was really fine. I completed the piece of work on which I had invested myself for days. "

And the chat with her went on for a few minutes.

You closed the book after a while and glanced at your wrist watch. The clock ticked 8:00 pm. It was time for you to head off and get some rest. You kept the book back on the shelve and greeted the staffs before pushing yourself out from the bookshop.

You wrapped your palms engulfing your elbows.

"Ah, the commencement of winter in Minnesota is truly a magical time! " you whispered to yourself as you started walking in the direction of your apartment.

The beauty of Minnesota in winter is truly breathtaking. The landscapes are transformed into a winter wonderland, with glistening icicles hanging from trees and frozen lakes that seem to stretch on forever. It's a photographer's dream.

Of course, winter in Minnesota also means bundling up in warm layers, donning hats and scarves, and making sure to keep ourselves protected from the cold. But the joy of experiencing the unique beauty and activities that winter brings makes it all worthwhile.

And you were eagerly ready to experience all these...

...with someone special this time...



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