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«Grandpa, look, Izek is here with me tonight! Will you tell us a story before we go to bed?»
«Oh, hello Izek, well, I'll tell you a story not so long ago.» I began with an indulgent smile. «Have you ever heard of a young woman named Elina?»
The children timidly shook their heads in negation, their little eyes filled with interest.

«Nestled among green hills and surrounded by lush fields, the village of Roccaflora stood like an enchanted haven. Half-timbered houses with thatched roofs lined the narrow streets, and their climbing flowers adorned the facade with vibrant hues. Cobbled alleyways led to cozy squares where stone fountains whispered secrets to the wind. At the heart of the village stood a castle inhabited by the nobles who managed the place.

There lived a girl named Elina. She possessed an ethereal beauty that seemed to have been crafted by nature's own hands, drawing admirers from every corner. But beneath her serene exterior lay a heart burdened with sorrow. The story of her life, a tapestry interwoven with tragedy, unfolded in a way that echoed the depths of despair recounted in ancient tales. The face that helped her conceal that pain was a canvas of delicate features. Her eyes were a captivating shade of deep sapphire, reflecting the secrets of her heart. Her porcelain skin had a faint blush suggesting emotions beneath her calm appearance. Her lips, gentle and slightly parted, carried the hint of a melancholic smile that adorned her face.

Elina's days were almost always the same - wake up, stroll, eat, sleep - but that was a different day. On that day, her hair was like a river of deep ebony silk that framed her face, cascading down her back in loose waves, and as the sun painted the sky with golden hues, destiny played its hand. As flowers began to bloom in the meadows, an air of festivity had descended upon the village. Every spring, during the first two weeks of the month, a lively gathering took place in the village market. Vendors displayed their goods, and the townspeople bustled about. But amid the crowd, Elina's eyes met those of a young man named Adrian.

Adrian was unlike anyone Elina had ever met. It seemed as though the universe had orchestrated their meeting, weaving their paths together like threads in a grand tapestry. Adrian exuded an energy that drew people to him like moths to a flame. His face bore the charm of mischief, with a downturned smile promising laughter and adventure. His eyes were a warm hazel shade, dancing with a spark of curiosity and a hint of untamed wilderness.

His hair was a rich brown, tousled in a way that suggested little regard for formality. He appeared to have little interest in worldly affairs, refusing to be bound by conventional styles. Elina had always envied him for that. She was the daughter of nobles, a noble herself, and the clothes she wore had to appear as an extension of her person: flowing and elegant, adorned with soft pastel colors, often adorned with delicate and intricate embroidery that reminded the people who were in charge of the village's life.

His attire was no less: it reflected his carefree spirit. In fact, he believed that by wearing simple and not overly elaborate clothes, he could move more freely. For this reason, Elina had always envied him. Being the daughter of nobility, and a noblewoman herself, the attire she wore had to seem like an extension of her persona: flowing and elegant, with delicate pastel colors and often adorned with intricate and special embroideries that reminded the people of who was in charge of the village's life.

As Elina gazed, her eyes shifted from observing Adrian as a whole to focusing on every tiny detail. The rolled-up sleeves of his shirt revealed strong forearms that hinted at his penchant for work. The only accessory he wore was a leather bracelet tied around his wrist. Later, Elina learned that it was a mark of his past, the stories he carried in his heart, for it was the only memory he had left of his father. Elina also found out that Adrian had no family and had been an orphan since a young age.

Their first conversation was sparked by a common interest in a book of poetry. Well, Adrian had no idea what that book described, but he would do anything to hear Elina so engrossed in pronouncing every single word. Let's say it was a white lie. Whatever was written inside that book could be dealt with later. With every word exchanged, they discovered shared dreams and aspirations. Adrian's tales of distant lands and Elina's enchanting smiles painted a picture of possibilities before them.

As the days passed, their companionship deepened. They ventured into the hidden paths of the village, often finding refuge in the shade of a majestic willow tree on the outskirts of the village, whose leaves danced in the wind like gentle caresses. The tree's protective shadow became a gathering place for the villagers, who gathered to exchange stories, announce news, and share moments of joy and sorrow. As evening fell, lanterns hung from its branches created a magical atmosphere, as if time stood still there. There, they shared dreams, fears, and whispered secrets, building a bond that seemed as eternal as the river that flowed nearby.»

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