
Chapter 108: True face

 Abe came out of Carol's house and kept walking aimlessly, and unexpectedly ended up in the flower field. He recalled the day when he accidentally saw Nidia and Carol meeting.

  That day, he saw a completely different Carol. In his impression, Carol had always been gentle and kind. He couldn't believe what he saw, but that was what he saw with his own eyes.

  He couldn't help but think that if Nidia told him, he would definitely give Nidia a slap in the face, thinking that Nidia was jealous of Carol. Nidia had also advised him to stay away from Carol before, but he just didn't listen.

  Today's trip made him completely give up. However, his long-held belief was suddenly overturned, and he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and in the discomfort, he still had some regrets.

  He found a place in the flower field and sat down. His mind was very messy now, as if he was thinking about a lot of things, but he didn't seem to be thinking about anything at all.

  "Nidia, look at this flower." At this time, a male voice came from not far away, but that voice made Abe's heart tremble suddenly.

  Through the dense flower branches, he saw Nidia and Hope. Hope picked a bright pink flower and gently inserted it into Nidia's braid.

  Seeing this scene, he suddenly lowered his eyelids. He didn't know why he reacted like this. He sat there with his breathing becoming lighter, for fear that they would see him.

  After a while, the sound of the two talking and laughing gradually faded away, and Abe suddenly realized how nervous he had just been.

  Then, he suddenly remembered the day he met Nidia here. The funny thing is that at that time, he only wanted to pick the most beautiful flowers for Carol.

  He sat among the flowers for a long time. It wasn't until the sky turned dark that he came to his senses, got up and went home.


  September has arrived in the blink of an eye, and the nights are getting cold again. Tan Xiaoshi wakes up in Hill's arms every day, although she is far away from Hill when she sleeps at night.

  Ever since she wasn't pregnant, Hill had been telling her with plaintive eyes that he wanted to get married. However, because Locke was there, Hill never dared to harass Tan Xiaoshi.

  At this time, the estrus period has passed, but Nidia's estrus came a little late this year. She only came into estrus at the end of September. After that, she and Hope got married.

  A month later, Nidia became pregnant with a tiger cub, and the weather got colder, so Nidia didn't go out much, and Tan Xiaoshi only wandered around the house.

  Hill began to store a large amount of prey again. Because Tan Xiaoshi loved to eat bird eggs, he caught a few more large birds and kept them at home, where they could eat both eggs and bird meat.

  Because the weather is getting colder, Locke spends more and more time sleeping, and his whole person exudes a lazy atmosphere. Until the first snow fell, Locke hadn't hibernated yet.

  Tan Xiaoshi remembered that Locke had hibernated at this time last year, why he hadn't hibernated this year yet, and she clearly felt that Locke was extremely sleepy every day and was obviously trying to hold on.

  On this day, Hill went out hunting, and Locke was sleeping in the house. Tan Xiaoshi walked over and touched Locke's head. Locke opened his transparent eyes and looked at her lazily with his purple eyes.

  "Locke, why don't you go to hibernate?" Tan Xiaoshi asked.

  Locke's upper body turned into a human form, and he held Tan Xiaoshi in his arms. In his unique lazy tone, he said, "I won't be able to see you for several months after hibernating, so I want to wait a little longer." 


Chapter 109: Final goal

         Tan Xiaoshi didn't expect that Locke didn't hibernate for this reason. She felt a little moved and couldn't help but raise her hands and put them around Locke's neck. With a slight smile on his lips, Locke lowered his head and kissed Tan Xiaoshi.

  She had never done anything intimate with Locke since they got married. Now being kissed by Locke, Tan Xiaoshi's heartbeat gradually became chaotic.

  Then, the kiss became more and more passionate, until Locke had squeezed into Tan Xiaoshi's body, and Tan Xiaoshi came back to her senses. However, after the brief period of Qingming, there was endless ups and downs.

  Because she was afraid that Tan Xiaoshi would get sick, the mating time this time was much shorter than last time. When Tan Xiaoshi woke up, Locke was no longer in the room. She looked at herself and found that her body had been scrubbed clean, and even her clothes were new.

  She moved her aching waist and legs and got off the ground. It was afternoon now, Hill hadn't come back yet, and Locke didn't know where he had gone.

  The cold wind blew loudly outside, and Tan Xiaoshi shivered before returning to the house. There was newly placed firewood in the brazier in the house, and Locke must have just gone out not long ago.

  She sat by the brazier to keep warm. Maybe she felt a little hungry because of mating, so she took two red fruits and put them into the brazier to simmer.

  Soon, Locke came back. He entered the house and turned into a human form. Then he wrapped Tan Xiaoshi in a piece of animal skin, held her in his arms, and the two sat by the fire pot together.

  The ambiguous atmosphere in the room has not completely dissipated. At this time, Tan Xiaoshi was being held by Locke. Although there was a thick animal skin between them, Tan Xiaoshi still felt a little hot.

  "I'm going to hibernate in a few days. You must not leave the tribe." Locke kissed Tan Xiaoshi's forehead with reluctance in his voice.

  Tan Xiaoshi nodded, "Don't worry, I'll be fine." Locke stroked Tan Xiaoshi's long hair, unable to put it down.

  At this time, Hill came back. He put the prey away, turned into a human and entered the house. Then he suddenly smelled the scent of estrus in the air.

  "Ouch!" He looked at Locke and shouted with some dissatisfaction. Locke ignored him. He buried his face in Tan Xiaoshi's hair, absorbing the fragrance of Tan Xiaoshi.

  Tan Xiaoshi smiled at Hill sheepishly. She knew Hill was wronged, but Locke was about to hibernate, so she endured it and was held by Locke.

  "I'm going to cook." Hill glanced at Tan Xiaoshi, then left the house and went to the kitchen. Locke began hibernating before a cold snap arrived a few days later. Tan Xiaoshi estimated that Locke was around the house, but he didn't know the exact location.

  The weather is getting colder day by day, and after a heavy snowfall, the whole world turns silvery white. Tan Xiaoshi was wearing thick animal skins and surrounded the fire pot, but she still felt a little cold.

  This year it seems to be colder than last year, and the snow is heavier than last year. The thick snow almost reached her thighs.

  In order to keep Tan Xiaoshi warm, Hill lit three braziers in the house, which indeed made the house much warmer.

  Thanks to Hill's big stove when I went to bed at night, I didn't feel cold while talking about Xiaoshi.

  However, Hill pestered Tan Xiaoshi for mating every day. After Tan Xiaoshi dismissed him with various reasons, Hill still persevered and took mating as his ultimate goal every day.

  Talking about Xiao Shi makes me feel speechless.


Chapter 110: Illness

      Early this morning, Tan Xiaoshi, who had always been in good health, actually fell ill.

  It wasn't a serious problem at first, but her throat hurt a little. She thought it was because she had caught a cold in the past two days, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

  But at night, she actually had a fever and became groggy.

  Hill then discovered that Tan Xiaoshi was ill. He hurriedly went to Huo Qi to get some medicine, boiled the medicine, and fed Tan Xiaoshi to eat.

  After taking medicine and talking about poems, she fell asleep, but in the middle of the night, she woke up from the cold.

  She still nestled in Hill's arms as usual, but because of her fever, she still felt cold even though Hill was keeping her warm.

  Hill saw that Tan Xiaoshi's face was burning red, but she kept saying she was cold, so he went to find Huo Qi again.

  Huo Qi said that the herbal medicine took effect a little late. If Tan Xiaoshi really felt cold, she could use mating to warm her up.

  Hill returned home, turned into a human form, hugged Tan Xiaoshi, and remembered Huo Qi's words.

  "Xiao Shi, let's mate. Huo Qi said that mating can make you warmer." Hill whispered in Tan Xiao Shi's ear.

  Tan Xiaoshi was not asleep at this time, her consciousness was awake. When she heard Hill's words, she still wanted to refuse, but Hill had already kissed her.

  Hill's body was getting hotter and hotter, and Tan Xiaoshi seemed to feel herself getting warmer as well.

  Hill covered himself and Tan Xiaoshi tightly with animal skins, and then he took off Tan Xiaoshi's clothes one by one inside.

  Tan Xiaoshi's body gradually softened, and she allowed Hill to do whatever he wanted.


  I don't know how much time passed, but Tan Xiaoshi felt her body sink. Hill had already barged in.

  Hill hugged Tan Xiaoshi tightly and began to rise and fall continuously.

  Tan Xiaoshi's two previous matings with Locke were not like this. She couldn't adapt to it for a while, and moans kept coming out of her mouth.

  Slowly, she felt her body getting hotter and hotter, and she felt less uncomfortable. Later, she fell asleep in Hill's arms.

  However, when she was asleep, she seemed to feel that Hill was still moving in her body. She wanted Hill to stop, but her body had no strength at all, and then she fell asleep again.

  When she woke up the next day, Hill hugged her tightly. She was wearing animal skin clothes and there was no sticky feeling, which made her even suspect that what happened yesterday was all her dream.

  She touched her face and saw that the fever had gone away, but the soreness on her body told her that what happened last night was not a dream.

  Hill also woke up and turned into a human form. He looked at Tan Xiaoshi with a happy face. He first touched Tan Xiaoshi's forehead and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the fever had subsided.

  "Huo Qi's method really worked. You slept well last night and sweated a lot. Sure enough, your fever went away early this morning." Hill smiled brightly.

  Tan Xiaoshi cuddled up against the warm Hill, unwilling to get up from the warm nest. She pinched Hill's nose and deliberately said fiercely: "I'm hungry!"

  Hill also wanted to sleep with Tan Xiaoshi, but he couldn't let Tan Xiaoshi starve, so he immediately got up and said: " Just wait a moment and I'll cook for you."

  Because Hill left, the nest didn't seem so warm anymore. Tan Xiaoshi wrapped herself tightly in the animal skin and shrank inside again.

  Hill quickly brought a brazier in, placed it next to the bed, and then went out again.

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