Chapter 41-45

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Chapter 41: Isn't bad

The eagle beast is always very fast, so not long after Hill came back, the tribe leader roared, waking up the sleeping or mating orcs, and the entire tribe fell into a tense atmosphere.

  "I'm going to take a look. Don't come out." Hill looked solemn and ran out quickly.

  Is it really a ghost beast coming?

  If there are really so many ghost beasts, it will definitely be a big impact on their tribe.

  Hill quickly ran back, transformed into a human form, put on the animal skin skirt twice, and said with worry: "The ghost beasts have arrived at the gate of the tribe. In addition to the ghost beasts, there are also a group of wild black bears. Those black bears were killed by ghosts for unknown reasons. The beast has taken control."

  So that's it, no wonder the number sounds so huge.

  "Ho~ho~" At this moment, bursts of wild beast howls sounded not far away, which sounded deafening.

  Tan Xiaoshi took out two bows and some bamboo arrows and handed one to Hill. "When the ghosts and beasts are far away from us, we can use arrows. When they are close, you can pounce on them." Hill took the arrows and then After closing the wooden door, the two of them observed the situation outside from the window.

  Each female leaves at least two males to protect her. Since Tan Xiaoshi is the only one with Hill, Hill is on full alert and must not let Tan Xiaoshi make any mistakes.

  Soon, the screams of wild beasts were heard not far away. It seemed that the trap set before had worked.

  There was a faint smell of blood in the air, sweeping away the ambiguous and harmonious atmosphere in the tribe.

  After a while, Tan Xiaoshi saw the figure of the black bear.

  Those black bears were very big and very violent. Some tiger beasts in the tribe had already stepped forward to tangle with those black bears.

  Although those black bears were strong, they were wild bears after all, so their abilities were much inferior to those of the orcs. One black bear was bitten to death by a tiger beast in the tribe in just a few bites.

  However, their real enemy is not the black bears, but the ghost beasts that attract the black bears.

  The trap eliminated more than half of the black bears, and the remaining black bears had a melee with the orcs in the tribe. At this moment, the ghost beasts came in.

  They killed most of the black bears without a single blow, which surprised the ghost beasts. Then, they revealed their ferocious nature and began to attack the stone houses where the females lived.

  Looking at those hateful ghost beasts, Hill gradually transformed into a beast, revealing sharp fangs and lion ears, and a heavy roar came from his chest.

  At this time, a ghost beast discovered their house and rushed toward them.

  Hill transformed into a beast and wanted to rush out, but was stopped by Tan Xiaoshi.

  "Let me try the bow I made." Tan Xiaoshi drew the bow and nocked an arrow, narrowed one eye and aimed at the ghost beast. Then in the blink of an eye, the bamboo arrow flew out quickly and hit the ghost beast's eye.

  The ghost beast suddenly fell to the ground and died.

  "It's not bad!" Tan Xiaoshi sneered and curled her lips. At this time, she seemed to be on a mission, brave and decisive, with a little bit of arrogance in her confidence.

  Hill was stunned by Tan Xiaoshi's appearance at this time.

  The female in front of her is like a flower with thorns, her beauty is yet dangerous.

  However, it is fascinating.

  He knew that his female was unusual, but at this moment, the other females must have been frightened to tears, but she remained calm and composed, without any fear.


Chapter 42: Pearly was kidnaped

He found that he liked his female more and more. No, this feeling was deeper than love, much deeper...

  But at the same time, while his heart was throbbing, he felt a little distressed and guilty.

  The other females are protected by the male, but his females are not dependent on him. Moreover, what had she gone through before to become so strong.

  While Hill was in a daze, Tan Xiaoshi's second arrow had already been shot.

  She saw Carter being pinned down by a wolf, so she quickly aimed at the wolf and shot the arrow.

  She saw the wolf fell to the ground, the slight smile on the corner of its mouth did not disappear, and she continued to set the third arrow.

  Carter thought he was going to die, but the wolf that bit him suddenly fell down. He was startled to see a bamboo stuck in the wolf's body.

  He looked towards Tan Xiaoshi as if he had a feeling, but saw Tan Xiaoshi shoot another arrow, and another ghost beast was hit by the arrow and died.

  "Ouch!" He roared, regained his fighting spirit, and rushed towards a bear beast.

  A very large wolf also noticed the movement on Tan Xiaoshi's side. His red eyes narrowed, then he raised his head and roared.

  When his voice fell, two wolf beasts on the side seemed to respond, and then they all rushed towards Tan Xiaoshi.

  Hill grinded his teeth and jumped out of the window. At the same time, an arrow from Tan Xiaoshi also flew out, and a wolf fell to the ground.

  Another wolf had already arrived in front of Hill. Tan Xiaoshi saw that the wolf's eyes were black, so she ignored it and handed it over to Hill.

  While Hill was fighting the wolf beast, Tan Xiaoshi killed two more ghost beasts.

  Hill was also very strong. He quickly dealt with the wolf beast and then stood guard in front of the stone house to prevent any ghost beast from approaching.


  At this moment, the female's cry rang out from the already chaotic place. After a closer look, it turned out that a ghost beast had snatched a female!

  The ghost beast was a black snake beast. It was similar in size to Locke, but it was not as high as Locke. It was only a first-level beast.


  The snake beast wrapped its tail around the female. He seemed very proud and was not in a hurry to escape. Instead, he spat out slender messages at the males of several tribes.

  It's Pearly!

  Only then did Tan Xiaoshi see the captive female clearly.

  Snake beasts have always been difficult opponents. Even if they are not high level, they are relatively fast and can spray venom.

  The snake beast flexibly shuttled among several lions, and sprayed venom at the same time.

  The males were afraid of accidentally injuring the females, so they did not dare to attack them.

  Tan Xiaoshi could see clearly what was going on over there, but her side was far away from that side, and the angle wasn't right, so she put her arrow basket on her back and left the house.

  Hill saw her coming out and called her.

  "Hill, can you carry me?" she asked Hill, but her eyes never left the snake beast for a moment.

  "You go in, don't come out!" Hill turned into a human form and did not answer her question.

  "Don't worry, I'm fine. You carry me on your back and follow my instructions." Tan Xiaoshi was resolute and refused to allow Hill to refuse.

  Hill wanted to say something else, but Tan Xiaoshi looked back at him, and then he paused involuntarily.

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