I was supposed to use the vents because the amount of guards was impossible to go through.

So why?!

I entered the main office.


I went over to the documents, looking through the shelves and drawers.

I finally found it. I grabbed the file in a haste, checking if everything is inside. The document's were all there. This was perfect. Too perfect. This a 

I need to get out of here.

I need to get out right now.

I went for the door but hesitated when I heared my communicator ring out.

". . .Copy?"

The static was blocking the message.


"Sha-... out of... once...it's... -ap!"

I couldn't make out what she was saying. Once what? Once I get the files? She was late I already have them.

"Connection is weak. I have secured the target. I am making my way back. Copy."

There was no more reply. I guess the line was cut again. It doesn't help with my worries one bit.


I pressed on the handle softly, trying not to make any noise. I opened the door only to find the corridor empty, I continued walking forward, watching out for any enemy soldiers. I managed to get out of the building, I hid behind the crates waiting for an opportunity to get into the forest.

I heard the cocking of a gun. A rifle.

"Don't fucking move. Don't try anything."

Fuck. How did I not hear him?

I felt the gun being pressed into the back of my head.

I fucked up.


My head was banged against the table multiple times.

"Say the name and we won't have to continue this."

I looked up at the man and spit in his face, my saliva mixed with my blood.


He whipped the spit away with clear disgust on his face.

"Give her another one."

"Sir, if she has anymore she will-"

"That's her choice. Now give her another dose."

I looked at the needle nearing my arm, the multiple previous punctures dropped small amounts of blood, making the burn on my skin look like a scratch. I trashed my body around, trying to get away. The amount of drugs messed with my head, I looked at the monster holding me down, his giant smile exposing the sharp teeth.

His mouth never moved, yet I could hear them talking to me.

"Sebastian would be disappointed."

"You were supposed to be better then this."

"Didn't mom tell you not to take candy from strangers?"

"What would William think?"

All my nightmares felt as if they came alive. All the things I have done came to prey on my mind once again. I could feel my sanity being eaten away, every second of this hell feeling like forever.

"You are disposable. That's why they sent you here."

Laughter filled my ears. The people around me changed shapes, the bright lights hurt my eyes. 

"Don't you think if you were so important, they would have saved you already?"

He continued laughing as I looked down on the ground.

He was right.

But what else could I do. I have been here for days. Locked, tortured, locked, tortured, locked. . . But no one never came. Tears fell down my cheeks despite my own disapproval.

"Aawww, don't cry honey. I may hurt you for gain, but at least I am telling you the truth right?"

I want to die. I wouldn't have to go through this if I did. Maybe I should have just tell them what they wanted? Why was I even protecting Persha?

"There is no one else who cared, right? Don't worry I will take good care of you."

I wanted to yell. That he is wrong. That's exactly why I didn't tell him about my Major, I wanted to protect her! There was Sarah and... there was Simon. Because... Ghost cared right? He saved me when I was bleeding out. He was worried, he had to care.

But none of them were here.

I tried to get rid of the thoughts, to think of something else. Happy things! Think of happy things! It only made me cry more.

"This could have been avoided."

There was a commotion happening behind the door, my captor cursed something out but I no longer payed attention. The sounds drowned out by my crying and paranoia.

No matter how tightly I closed my eyes, the images of those once close to me flashed in my mind. Their cold, still bodies out of my reach. Why did everyone who cared about me have to die?

Someone grabbed my head bringing it up, this time they didn't grab me by my hair. It was a soft and gentle touch, one that reminded me of my mom. The way she would caress my face after something bad has happened.

After something bad has ended.


Has it ended?

I slowly opened my eyes, my tears turning my vision blurry. A dark figure stood before me, he looked like he could pull out my soul out of the depths of my body. I tried to move away, he was speaking but the voice didn't reach my ears, my senses dulled out. My tears blurred my vision even further.

My hands and legs were untied, the rough ropes left marks on my skin. I reached towards my eyes, wiping the tears away, each movement making me wince from the pain. Once my vision cleared a little I saw the bloodied mess that was in the room. I swear I could see the red liquid moving like snakes.

I looked at my arms. The same snakes slithered up my skin, I scratched and wiped trying to get them off of me.

"Shatz don't!"

I was grabbed a little more roughly this time. I looked up, the eyes. They looked soft. Why were they so soft? I scanned the giant man that stood before me, the red covered him whole, it has sunk into his uniform.

My body shook involuntarily, I don't want to fight anymore. I am tired. I am scared.

He must have noticed. His hands disappeared from my body for a moment, only to scoop me up into them like I weight nothing at all. I fought against it for a moment but gave up when I felt the pain become stronger.

"Calm down. You are safe."

"I can take her, König. It will be harder if you carry her."

It was König. How could I mistake him for the monster of my dreams. König saved me. He came for me. He didn't abandon me. The other soldier was reaching out his hands towards me. I clutched my fingers around the soaked fabric and buried my face into Königs neck, his mask blocking me from actually touching his skin.

"Nein. She is no baggage to me."

He simply shook his head, sounding completely calm. I don't think I have ever seen him this composed. His hold on me became more firm, more secure, as if someone would take me away from him at any moment.

We walked out of that room, all I could hear was his heavy boots hitting the ground, his shaky breath leaving his lips.

I don't remember what happened after that, I must have passed out. Despite the blood and death that reeked off of him, König smelled nice.

Word count: 1688

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