Chapter 4: The meeting

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  

Warnings: None.

DISCLAIMER: this story is set in older times, so things like marriage when younger is normal, and so is arranged marriage(not to be confused with forced marriage), and some of the dialog might be dated.

word count: 892

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  

Satine Pov:

Waking up everyday has been hard. I can feel myself growing weaker. It hurts so bad knowing that Obi has to watch me slowly go... I sometimes wonder if I should end both our suffering quickly, but then I think about her. I would want to carry out my last wishes of seeing Obi-Wan happy, and if that means I have to suffer longer to help them get closer I will. I used to feel jealous at the thought of another woman even looking at him, but with her I do not. I simply hope that they will be happy once I am gone.


As I walk into obi's study to give him his breakfast i see him already staring at me....

"What?" I ask with a smile slowly lifting on the side of my face.

"...nothing...I just love you." he says as a small smile graces his face.

"Well then you should love the breakfast I helped make." I say as I put down the tray of food.

"You know you shouldn't be working yourself...right now you need rest." he says as he stands up to help me.

" What I need is for you to spend more time with y/n...'' I see his hands stop moving out of the corner of my eye. Lifting my gaze on him I see he is looking to the floor with a solemn expression.

"Darling i'm not asking you to fall in love right now.....but talk to her... try and get to know her...she will be taking over the responsibilities of being the woman of the house, with that your wife- " before I could finish the cut me off.

"She will not take your place!" he says angrily

"... I will never love her the way I love you..."his tone slowly dying into one of sadness.

I feel tears brimming my eyes, so taking a deep breath I close them. When I open them back up Obi-Wan is looking at me.

"Eat your food before it gets cold."

As I'm about to walk away he stops me by handing me a small pill.

"You're supposed to take these in the morning as well." he says with a small voice.

He remembered.

I take the pill out of his hand and take some of the water on his desk and drink it.


Y/n Pov:

Today is my first day working at the newsroom with my husband.

The idea of putting my education to good use never opposed me. In fact I always wanted to be a journalist, learn about new things, discover things myself...However, working alongside him suddenly makes me want to crawl into a hole and forget everything I know, my hopes and dreams. Most of which are most likely never to come true now that I am a married woman.

Looking around the building I see many people furiously working away at their typewriters. As I glance towards a larger room with a clear door, and what looks like a meeting happening.

I am guessing that's where I'm supposed to be.

Taking a deep breath I walk up to the door and open it.

No one seems to notice my presence or they are just choosing to ignore it. I start to listen in on the conversation.

"We are losing the money to fund us...." one voice says

"If we keep talking about the same issues who will buy the paper.."another

"....People want new stuff..."

"I agree we need new products to advertise." a voice that sounds familiar speaks..

I don't know what came over me but my mouth spoke before I could think.

"Women's cosmetics and clothing."

Suddenly every man in the room turned to me. I gulped- having so many eyes on you is not very fun. Just then a man at the head of the table stood up and looked at me.

"No one is offended by cosmetics or clothing...and you would not only be having men buy the paper but women as well."

Everyone was I continued

" I am here to meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.."

"And you are..?" The man at the head of the table asked

"y/n..his wife."

Everyone at the table looked at the man I was talking to then back to me. Then they all started packing up their belongings and left the room.

I saw the man I was talking to turn to the man closest to him and say...

" Owen."

"Yes sir?"

"Show her to her desk please."

"Yes sir."

The man then walked out without glancing at me.


The man. Owen. Came up to me.

"Come. This way madam."

He led me out of the room and to the front of where all the desks were set up.

"Excuse me.. But who was that?"I asked, still feeling confused.

He opened and closed his mouth looking at me like I was crazy. Then I just left.

Looks like everyone here is crazy....

As I put my stuff down I turn towards the back of the hall, and see the same man entering an office that looks similar to the conference room, with clear glass on all sides. As he closed the door the sign on the front read...

...Obi-Wan Kenobi. 


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* A/N: heres the fourth chapter!

hope you enjoyed :)

I wanted to get something out to the few people who are reading this. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2023 ⏰

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