Chapter 3: The Deal

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  

Warnings: None.

DISCLAIMER: this story is set in older times, so things like marriage when younger is normal, and so is arranged marriage(not to be confused with forced marriage), and some of the dialog might be dated.

word count: 671

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  

Y/n POV:

My time spent here has been.... boring. I haven't left my room, my only source of entertainment has been watching the stars dance along the moon. Satine often visits me, every time bringing the same argument on how i should try to get to know Obi-Wan and try and fill my role as the woman of the house, so it will feel as though nothing changes when her death comes...but I am not the woman of this house, and Obi-Wan was sure to make it clear i would never take the role of Satine. Not like I would want to....

I often look out my window, as presumed it is my favorite place in the whole house. I can look over the whole city, see the joys of everyone else; laughing, drinking, dancing, and enjoying their freedom. while I am trapped here like a bird in a cage. I asked my maid one day about it.

" What is the name of that village?"

"That is the village of Blackfall miss."

"Why have I never heard about it?"

"It is not a very commonly known village....most people look down on it....they say it is where all the less fortunate people of Kalevala go. They say there are only two types of people there: the outcast, or crazed lunatics." she ends with a chuckle and a shake of her head.

"Hmmm." As I look down on it, it doesn't look like a bad place, it looks like every other village.

Our conversation was cut short as the door pushed open.

Satine and a few other maids walked in.

"Still daydreaming by the window?" she asked with a laugh, as she took a seat on one of the chairs in my room.

As I sit in the chair opposite to her, I open my mouth to speak..

"I want to visit the village of Blackfall."

Satine coughs out the tea she had been drinking. placing her cup down she looks at me as though I have grown two more heads.

"The village of Blackfall?....why-...why would you want to visit there?"

Coming up with the excuse I had made earlier, I answered...

"Every night I hear a voice. it comes from there, and I would very much like to train my voice to be like theirs."

"You want to take singing lessons in Blackfall?" she asks skeptically.

I nod my head yes

"I can arrange for you to take lessons here, a very good friend of mine teaches singing she would be more than happy to come and teach you if that's something you-"

"NO!...I want to go to Blackfall and learn." I interrupted her.

"I have fallen in love with this voice, and I would very much like it if I was taken there to learn."

As she leans back I relax a bit knowing that she is considering it.

"If...if I let you go, will you try harder to be a part of this family?"

I let go a deep breath, and answered..

"I will try.."

"That means taking on the role of the woman of the house, taking care of your husband, and the rest of the family, making sure the house is clean, making sure the breakfast is to everyone's liking before it is brought to the table, and you will work with Obi-Wan in the newsroom, you won't have an official role as a journalist, but doing simple task that are given to you."

Work alongside him? Are you kidding me.. I haven't even seen the man's face, now she wants me to work under him. Swallowing my saliva and my pride I nod my head knowing this is the only I will get what I want.

"Good. I will talk with my father about this, but I think you have yourself a deal."

As she leaves all her maids scurry after her with their heads down. I slump in my chair and wonder what I just got myself into....


✧・゚: *✧・゚:* A/N: heres the third chapter!

hope you enjoyed :)

This chapter is a little rushed. Originally I was planning on making it longer, but I was stuck and this part was just sitting and waiting to be published; so I did it ;) 


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