"Talk about your winds of war." Louis smiled proudly.

Demi cackles as the outsiders swarm Harry and roared. Demi stands atop her rock, flanked by two Outsiders.

Demi made her way to Harry. "Harry..." The dark lioness jumped down in front of the lion king. "You're mine!"

Two backup lionesses then fought with Demi to weaken Harry and bring him down.

The Outsiders pile on Harry. Harry breaks free and swipes at the Outsiders, clearing a space around him and roar. Demi approaches and strikes Harry to the ground and roars. Immediately, the Outsiders and Harry's pride halt their attacks. They watch the fight with concern.

Harry gets to his paws and faces off against Demi and snarls. Demi stalks in a slow circle around Harry and pants. Harry watches Demi's every move and growls. Demi switches directions, but continues to circle Harry. Harry and Demi circle one another. Around them, the Outsiders and Harry's pride gather in a tense circle. Demi rears onto her hind legs, lifting a paw and roars.

Harry rears onto his hind legs, lifting a paw and roars.

There is a clap of thunder, and Harry looks up. Zayn and Camila leap into the fray amidst a rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning and they roared. Zayn and Camila leap in-between Harry and Demi, each facing their respective parent. Harry looks taken aback, while Demi looks furious.

"Camila?" Harry asks, shocked. Camila glares at Harry.

"Zayn!" Demi said angrily and Zayn glares at Demi. He narrows his eyes. "Move."

"Stand aside." Harry says to his daughter.

"Daddy, this has to stop." Camila said to her father. Harry blinks in shock.

"You're even weaker than I thought," Demi sneered to Zayn. "Get out of the way!"

"You'll never hurt Camila...or Harry," Camila looks over one shoulder at Zayn. He lowers his head threateningly. "Not while I'm here." Demi hissed.

Harry juts his head at Camila. "Stay out of this!" Harry told his daughter.

"A wise king once told me 'We are one'," Camila replied. "I didn't understand him then," she smiled at him softly. "Now I do."

"But... They..." Harry stuttered.

"Them? Us?" Camila looks at the Outsiders. "Look at them." Ariana, who is standing at Harry's shoulder, looks at him questioningly. Harry looks at the Outsiders. "They are us. What differences do you see?"

The Outsiders look at one another uncertainly. Victoria continues to glare at Harry's pride but, after a moment, lifts her head and widens her eyes. Camila and Harry exchange meaningful glances. Camila smiles. Overhead, the clouds clear, and the sun shines down on the two prides. Harry looks up at the light. He smiles and embraces Camila.

"Victoria," Demi looks over one shoulder at Victoria. "now!"

"No, Mother!" Victoria looks at Camila, who smiles at her over one shoulder. Victoria looks back at Demi. "Camila's right. Victoria crosses the battlefield to stand beside Zayn. "Enough."

The Outsiders exchange wondrous glances.

"If you will not fight... Then you will die as well!" Demi glared to Victoria's betrayal.

Some of the other lionesses were on their way over to Harry's side which made Demi angry.

The Outsiders exchange wondrous glances and muttered disgustedly.

The Outsiders walk toward Harry's pride. Demi looks right. "Wha–" Demi looks left. "What are– Where are you going?" The Outsiders join Simba's pride on the opposite side of the battlefield. "Get back here!"

"Let it go, Demi. It's time to put the past behind us." Harry said firmly.

"I'll never let it go!" Demi yelled. Harry looks up as logs shift in the gorge behind Demi. "This is for you, Calum!" Demi crouches and snarls. Demi lunges at Harry. "Rah!" she roars.

Camila jumps in front of Harry, intercepting Demi and snarled. Camila and Demi roll on the ground and cried out. Camila and Demi tumble into the gorge and Demi snarls.

"Camila!" Harry cried out.

Harry races to the edge of the gorge. Camila and Demi roll down the side of the gorge. They hit a ledge and break apart.

Zayn, Ariana, and the lionesses join Harry on the edge of the gorge, looking down worriedly.

"Camila!" Zayn cried out.

Camila and Demi free fall. Harry jumps into the gorge. He clings to the ledge with his claws, then continues his descent.

"Camila!" Harry yelled.

Camila and Demi tumble down the side of the gorge and Demi screams. Camila and Demi free fall and Camila whimpers.

Camila and Demi tumble down the side of the gorge. Demi goes over a ledge and Demi screams.

Camila goes over the ledge, but uses her claws to slow her momentum.

"Guh!" she whimpers. Camila clings to the side of the gorge and gasps. Demi, who fell farther, clings to the side of the gorge. Camila hangs above her precariously and whimpers.

Ariana stands at the top of the gorge. "Hold on, Camila!" Ariana calls out to her daughter and she looks up. The log dam breaks apart, and the river begins to flood into the gorge. Ariana looks between the river and Camila. "Harry..." Harry leaps between pillars in the gorge. Ariana stands above him at the top of the gorge. "Harry, the river!"

Harry looks down at the river, then continues to climb toward Camila. Demi loses her grip on the wall and falls a bit farther. She catches on to the ledge with both paws and she grunts. "Demi, give me your paw!" she then hold out her paw to the lioness despite everything she's done. "Demi... Come on, I'll help you!"

Demi slides farther down the gorge. "Oh..." Demi scrabbles uselessly at the rock wall and grunts. Camila watches in horror as Demi falls into the river and screams.

Demi's paw is seen bobbing above the waves before it is sucked under again. The river calms. Zayn watches sorrowfully from above and sighed.

Camila watches the river. It flows calmly, with no sign of Demi. Camila stands and sighs.

"Camila." Harry said as he walked over.

Camila turns to see Harry standing on a ledge above her. He offers her a paw.

"Daddy..." Camila said sadly as she takes Harry's paw. "I tried."

Camila and Harry climb to the top of the gorge. Ariana hugs Camila, while Harry puts a paw on Camila's back.

"Camila." Ariana said as she nuzzled her daughter.

"Oh..." Camila said, sighing softly.

Camila, Harry, and Ariana nuzzle and Harry chuckles. Zayn, Louis, Niall, and the lionesses approach.

"Wow, that was really brave!" Niall exclaimed.

"Yeehaw!" Louis shouted.

Zayn and Camila approach one another.

"Zayn..." Camila said when she saw him and Zayn and Camila nuzzle. "Oh, Camila." Harry watches Zayn and Camila thoughtfully.

"Zayn?" Harry asked.

Zayn breaks his embrace with Camila and walks toward Harry.

"I was wrong. You belong here." Zayn smiles. Camila sidles up to Zayn, who nudges her affectionately. "Let's go home." The Outsiders approach from behind Harry. He turns to face them. "All of us."

the Lion King II: Harry's Pride [Hariana] Where stories live. Discover now