Together at last

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A sigh left her lips as she headed back to her room. It's been an emotional roller coaster these last two months. From thinking how the Heart Pirates were killed by the same man who betrayed my brother which got him killed, to the fact the Kid being stupid enough to challenge Uncle Shanks yet again. Resulting in his ship and crew being destroyed. Alexis thought she lost  Killer her best friend, but more importantly Law and Kid. She denied feeling anything for those two. She didn't want to love anyone and then loose them. That was when her feelings for those two captains surfaced, but sadly it was too late.  Now here  she was a crying mess when the paper arrived with the devastating news. she had locked herself up in her room for days.

That sweet ball of sunshine of her little brother was the reason she had to force herself to leave her room, putting a smile back on her face. Everyone, but Luffy could tell she wasn't.

Several weeks pass before they heard news that Law and Kid survived with their first mates. The others sadly didn't make it. Luffy enthusiastically allowed them ( forced )  them to stay on the Sunny.

When she first laid eyes on them tears started streaming down her face. She rushed over and wrapped her arms around Killer. "I'm so happy you're alive"

Killer quickly returned the hug trying to comfort her the best he could. She heard a throat clearing causing her to pull away from her bestie.

Alexis hugged Law next which caused him to stiffen up from the contact, but he slowly returned it.

Kid smirked "what about me? Do I get a hug as well, Princess?"

Alexis let go of Law to glare at the hot head captain. He had a smug look on that infuriating face of his, but she quickly wiped it off as she punched him in the jaw with her armament haki infused fist. He stumbled back a bit. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR, WOMAN?" He growls out holding his now hurting jaw.

She continued to glare as she growls "You are a bloody idiot. Not only did you not think about the safety of your crew, you had the audacity to think you could take on Uncle Shanks on your own and thought you could possibly win? You are a bloody idiot. You nearly got killer killed because you weren't  thinking. Shanks spared you the first time" she yelled at him while  gesturing to his metal arm "you are lucky to be alive right now." Her voice trailed off into a whisper.

Kid and everyone near by was silent. Alexis never yells or shout at people. Heck she hardly ever get angry, but gosh darn does this red head make her blood boil. She will admit she did miss him. As she moved closer, he  tensed up thinking she would attack him again. but was baffled when she hugged him instead.

"I'm just glad all of you are okay" she sniffled out.


As Alexis approached her door she could hear muffled voices with loud skin clapping. A sigh leaving her lips. 'Are they seriously going at it again?' As she slowly opened her door and sure enough they were indeed doing it for the fifth time today.

Law was on all fours, his face pushed into the bed with his ass in the air. Kid was mounted on top, roughly pounding away at him. She should have expected this.

"Hmmm I see you already started the party without me?"  Alexis teased as she leaned against the door frame.

Law gasped as Kid grinned over at her.

"What are you doing in here, Alexis-ya?" Law managed to get out around his muffled moans. Kid had not stopped pounding into the poor doctor. She arched a brow while grinning "I think I should be allowed in my own room while it is still mine. I was planning to only grab the last of my things, but l'm enjoying this show instead."

The Requirements For Love (Trafalgar Law x OC x Eustass Kid) Where stories live. Discover now