Let Them Have Today

Start from the beginning

Erwin looked down with a reminiscent look. "Things which mustn't be said," he answered. His eyes narrowed as he corrected, "No. Things which can't be spoken. Things he couldn't say even if he wanted to. That which the first Reiss king wiped from our consciousness. Memories of our world. At least, that's my hope. But speculating more won't accomplish anything. The final preparations are now complete. The operation to retake Wall Maria begins in two days. Wanna know what's in that cellar? Let's go see for ourselves. We're scouts. That's what we do," Erwin encouraged with a smile. "I'll leave it to you to alert your squads."

Everyone stood from their seats and began making their way towards the door. "Right. We'll keep it quiet for now, though," Dirk affirmed.

"I think our troops deserve some meat on a day like this," Harold added.

"Good idea," Dirk agreed, "Gotta show those kids the adults can be counted on." He paused before turning to Hanji, "What about Commandant Shadis keeping important secrets from us?"

"Forget it," Hanji told him, "We don't have time to deal with that now."

"You must be so disappointed. You used to adore him!" Marlene teased Hanji.

"Shut up!" Hanji yelled at her. Levi then grabbed me and pulled me back into the room and forced the door shut behind me, effectively pushing Hanji and the others out of the room. 

"What is it, Levi?" Erwin asked. I was wondering the same thing.

"This may sound impatient, but... what do you think you'll do after retaking Wall Maria? I'm guessing a defense plan comes first, but after that? What's next?" Levi asked.

"Eliminating threats," Erwin replied, "Outside the walls, there seems to be someone hoping the titans will eat us all, down to the last person. As to who, well, if we have any luck, we'll find that answer in the cellar. A full plan will have to wait. First, we need to see what's in that room."

"You realize I'm asking this now because you might not live that long. You're not exactly as spry as you used to be," Levi told him. Erwin placed a hand over where his missing arm was. "Let Hanji call the shots on this mission. In your shape, you'll only be dead weight. You sit back and wait for the good news. We'll tell the others I argued till you gave in. Which I will, so why not make this easier on both of us? What do you say?"

Erwin paused, looking down. His eyes narrowed and a determined look fell over his features. "No," he said. "Do what you need to. Use me as bait. The chain of command still remains. If I'm gone, then Hanji. If Hanji's gone, the next. It's true this operation will be extremely dangerous, but it will also be the most important one in human history. That's why I've gone to such lengths. This is my plan, Levi. Without me leading you, you're less likely to succeed."

"That's true. Without you, the operation might fail. But if you bite the dust out there, we're really screwed. So just stay safe at your desk and keep using that head of yours. As far as I'm concerned, that's the last thing the titans would want, and the best weapon that humanities got," Levi urges.

"No, you're wrong," Erwin argues, "Our best option is for me to gamble it all on the plan that I came--"

Levi cuts him off, firmly telling him, "Okay, that's enough. Stop right there. Any more of those noble-ass excuses, and I'm gonna break both your damn legs. Not too badly. They'll heal just fine, but you'll be way too busted up to even think about joining us on the operation. And it'll be a bitch to get to the toilet."

Erwin huffs a laugh and replies, "Don't like that idea much. Normally, I'd agree with you. A wounded soldier should stay off the battlefield. However, ... That may be the day we learn the truth about our world, and I'll be damned if I'm going to miss it."

Levi Ackerman x Reader (Without You)Where stories live. Discover now