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As BTS continued promoting in NYC, Jungkook found his heart entangled in a web of emotions every time he spent time with Y/N. He cherished their friendship dearly but couldn't ignore the growing affection blossoming within him. It was on one such evening, beneath the soft glow of the moonlight, that Jungkook felt the weight of his unspoken emotions pressing upon him like an unyielding force.

They found themselves at their favorite spot in the city park, where the city lights twinkled in the distance, and the night air was alive with a gentle breeze. Jungkook could feel his pulse quicken as he stole glances at Y/N, her laughter and smiles lighting up the darkness around them. It was a moment of quiet serenity, the world around them hushed as if it, too, sensed the gravity of what was about to transpire.

With a deep breath, Jungkook mustered the courage to speak, his voice barely above a whisper but lathered with sincerity. "Y/N, there's something I need to tell you."

Y/N turned toward him, her eyes filled with curiosity and kindness. "What is it? You can tell me anything."

He took another steadying breath, his gaze never leaving hers. "I... I've cherished our friendship, and you mean the world to me. But lately, my feelings have deepened. I can't help but feel more than friendship for you, Y/N. I like you."

The weight of his confession hung in the air, tangible and raw. Jungkook searched Y/N's eyes, his heart pounding in his chest, waiting for her response.

Y/N's expression softened, a mix of surprise and tenderness in her eyes. She reached out and gently touched his hand, her voice warm and reassuring. "Jungkook, I treasure our friendship too, and I care about you deeply. You're an incredible person, and this means a lot to me."

Jungkook's heart skipped a beat, hope flickering in his eyes. "So, you... you feel the same way?"

Y/N smiled, her touch comforting. "I value you a lot, Jungkook. But my feelings are more of friendship. I hope you understand."

His heart wrenched with a mixture of emotions – hope, longing, and a pang of heartache. He nodded, his smile a mix of acceptance and gratitude. "I do understand, Y/N. I'm just grateful for your honesty and that our friendship can remain unchanged."

And in that moment, beneath the moonlit sky, Jungkook and Y/N shared a silent understanding, shortly parting ways. 

Jungkook returned to the hotel room, his footsteps heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions. As he closed the door behind him, he felt the weight of his unshed tears pressing against his chest. Alone in the dim light of the room, he couldn't help but let the facade he had kept up crumble.

His tears fell freely, hot against his skin, as the realization of Y/N's response settled in. He had opened his heart to her, and laid his feelings bare, only to face rejection. The ache in his chest intensified with every heartbeat, and he couldn't shake the feeling of having messed everything up.

Images of his moments with Y/N, her smiles, her laughter, flooded his mind, each memory twisting his heart into a knot. He questioned his decision to confess, wondering if he had jeopardized the beautiful friendship they had shared. Doubt consumed him, clouding his thoughts with self-blame and heartache.

He sank to the floor, his back against the cold wall, his sobs echoing in the emptiness of the room. He felt like he was losing something precious, something he didn't even know he had until he risked it all. The pain was overwhelming, and he felt adrift in a sea of emotions, unable to find solid ground.

In those lonely moments, Jungkook grappled with his feelings, his vulnerability exposed like an open wound. He questioned his worth, wondering if he was truly worthy of the love he had hoped for. He felt small, and fragile, like a delicate glass sculpture on the verge of shattering into a thousand irreparable pieces.

As his tears subsided, leaving him drained and hollow, he realized that he needed time to heal, to mend the cracks in his heart. Despite the pain, a flicker of determination ignited within him. He refused to let this experience define him entirely. He would find the strength to face his feelings, to accept the reality of the situation, and, in time, to move forward.


Could we really face each other normally after this?

The Girl Who Didn't Fangirl ││ JJK ✔️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin